Deep Learning / Machine Learning Engineer


  • Communication: Ability to synthesize and clearly communicate findings of analysis, excellent verbal and written skills in both Chinese and English.
  • Planning and Execution: Solid planning and organization skills, able to prioritize: You love project management and making order out of chaos.
  • Quality: You take pride in your work products and have a strong attention to detail. You check and double check your work for accuracy and consistency. You stay on top of things to ensure they are accurate and up-to-date. You show concern for all aspects of the job no matter how small.


(1) This position requires MS or PhD degree.
(2) This position involves a lot of personal interaction. Good verbal communication skills are required.
(3) Experience in Deep Learning Framework ( Pytorch or Tensorflow ) and Machine Learning.
(4) Experience in Deep Reinforcement Learning, RL, RNN, GAN, NLP…etc.
(5) Ability to read / comprehend state-of-the-art AI papers .


- Kaggle Competitions Master or Grandmaster.





📌 優秀夥伴給予員工股權認購,讓你的戶頭數字隨著公司獲利一同成長,任職三年以上股權價值就可以讓你買一台特斯拉!

📌 比市場優越的薪資待遇,讓你走路都有風

📌 介紹人才進公司,團隊成長,你也有獎金

📌 特休無上限,連假還能提前放假避開返鄉潮

❤️ 幽默好相處的同事們如家人般,人生大小事一起慶祝

❤️ 吃不完的零食,唯一缺點是要擔心體重

✨ 看到想要的工作相關書藉,你買公司出錢

✨ 舒適高級的人體工學椅為辦公標準配備

✨ 電動升降工作桌讓你想坐就坐,想站就站

✨ 低藍光雙螢幕保護你的靈魂之窗


NT$ 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 (年薪)