UI/UX Designer

熱鬧的BCT Taipei Team


- Provide professional quality of design in terms of image format, pixel guideline, typography for accessibility and other design elements.
- Present your design outcomes based on the overall design roadmap as well as your own design rationales and fundamental principles.
- Execute all UI design stages from wireframe to final hand-off to engineering and ensure its consistent quality.
- Manage UI design guidelines and libraries – define, produce and update UI specs, style guides, design templates, visual assets and UI patterns.
- Design and create motion graphics for mobile app.


- 3 years+ working experience
- Basic knowledge on UX design process and methodologies.
- Highly proficient with design and prototyping tools such as Sketch, Adobe Photoshop, InVision, etc.
- A good working knowledge of After Effects, Lottie and related plugins.
- Able to present your design in English





1. 照顧員工是基本,薪水不委屈
2. RD皆配備15inch 頂規MacBookPro + 23吋外接螢幕
3. 免費零食,飲料,咖啡隨你吃
4. 漂亮舒適的辦公室,空間大採光佳,還有超大露台。公司就在捷運劍南站隔壁,交通方便外可隨時看美麗華摩天輪
5. 聚餐尾牙都吃很好,曾經吃過泰芮,文華東方,德朗,上引水產,茹絲葵....等
6. 絕佳的團隊合作氣氛與彈性工時
7. 可以Work from Home
8. 首年即有10天特休與彈性休假
9. 每年有10天有薪病假
10. 薪資保障13個月,另加獎金
11. 每年一次健康檢查
12. 每月都有慶生Party下午茶
13. 專業打標機讓你寫code之餘也能變神射手

上面福利只是基本,在BCT最棒的是台北辦公室文化,在這邊隨時有一堆人跟你討論專案上遇到的問題。有問題就有話直說,隨時都有熱烈的技術討論與技術辯論在進行,絕對讓你不孤單。工作累了之餘,公司下面就是影城,來去看部電影吧!除了熱鬧的團隊外,要是家裡有事要處理,例如水電工來拜訪或是要帶小朋友打預防針之類的,沒問題,在slack上跟大家說一下你今天要work from home就可以了。老闆絕對不囉唆。在這邊我們秉持著公司尊重你,你也尊重你自己的原則,一天工時八小時,看你要在哪做都可以,給你十足彈性。如果你也喜歡這文化,歡迎加入我們!


NT$ 800,000 - 1,500,000 (年薪)