Coming soon..
Coming soon..
Coming soon..
We are seeking a talented and motivated developer to join our startup team. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in backend development, with expertise in modern language like Go and Rust. As a key member of our team, you will be responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining our robust backend services as well as tools. You will work closely with our cross-functional team to deliver high-quality, scalable, and secure software products and iterate quickly based on feedback.
在 Chelpis,我們專注於 後量子時代的資安發展,不僅致力於推動全球密碼生態系統,也希望透過優秀的人才,共同打造 永續的數位環境。
我們相信, 「挑戰、快速修正、持續進步」 是成長的關鍵,並鼓勵夥伴們 共創共學,不斷突破技術與市場的極限。
為了讓每位夥伴都能 專注發揮影響力,我們提供完善的福利與支持,讓你在 Chelpis 成長、創新、一起改變世界。
在 Chelpis,我們不只是技術開發者,更是 數位安全的推動者。
我們期待 勇於挑戰、快速學習、持續進步的夥伴 加入,一起將技術規模化應用,創造全球影響力!
🚀 準備好迎接挑戰了嗎?快來加入我們!