
我們要找的並不只是一位AI工程師,身為『AI Research Project Lead』,您需要擁有成熟的技術背景、具備豐富的溝通和領導經驗,並能帶領團隊實踐AI算法,導入專案與產品中:

★ 針對不同的專案需求,設計最適合AI演算法
★ 了解客戶需求,針對需求研究最佳解決方案
★ 設計Work Break-down Structure (WBS),使專案與產品能順利執行
★ 帶領AI研究員一同研究,提升公司技術水平
★ 適時導入相關新技術於專案與產品中
★ 與 AI Architect合作,最大化AI團隊效率


● Devise the best possible technologies to create business impacts; novelty of the solutions and long-term reusability.
● Understand the requirements and technical challenges of the products in depth by performing research in the related field.
● Create a comprehensive Work Break-down Structure (WBS) to accomplish the technical challenges and ensure that the WBS is consistent to overall project/product timeline.
● Supervise team members on WBS execution and manage the risks within internal stakeholders.
● Solve these challenges by accompanying team members with clear vision and in-depth knowledge of the surrounding technologies.
● Develop strategies to bring out the best in team members. Strong expertise in leadership, listening and coaching skills are required.
● Cooperate and coordinate members for collaborative and effective team works.


☑ 熟悉 Python
☑ 熟悉 深度學習框架(ex. Pytorch、Tensorflow)
☑ 對AI, ML, DL有深入理解並具備實作能力
☑ 了解演算法背後技術與設計原理
☑ 流利的英文聽說(讀寫)能力
☑ 良好的溝通能力及表達能力,樂於與跨國團隊一同合作
☑ 不自我設限,對新技術充滿興趣
☑ 樂於帶領團隊,並協助他人


● Advanced knowledge and skills in AI, ML, DL.
● Solid background of one or more of the following domains:
- Computer vision / Image Processing
- Natural language processing
- Spoken language processing
● Solid background in maths (Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics).
● Strong background in Computer Architecture / Operating Systems and Performance Optimization.
● Knowledge and experience of key machine learning and deep learning frameworks, e.g. Tensorflow, Pytorch, Caffe, CNTK, etc.
● Team player. Should be able to communicate, lead and coach other team members
● Passionate to build great product.
● Excellent communication skills both verbal and written (Documentation, Presentation)
● Energy and willingness to bring the best out of the others and absolute respect toward righteousness, understand the impact of coaching and leadership on the team.





  • 國際化團隊,可與不同國家的同事交流,從文化差異上獲得更多成長與開放包容的氣度。
  • 自由工作風氣,彈性上下班時間,亦有 Work From Home 制度,讓你隨時保持在最佳狀態。
  • 向成功創業家學習的機會,CEO Miku、CAIO Hajime 皆是連續創業家,提早收穫戰略思維。
  • 加入改變世界的浪潮,我們做的不只是技術服務,而是打造科幻電影中出現的智能產品。
  • 注重個人成長,導入 Google 採用的 OKR 目標管理系統,讓你每一季都有超出極限的收穫。


NT$ 66,000 - 180,000 (月薪)