We are on a mission to spark connections and bring people together.
Dcard is a social media platform devoted to creating a safe and free environment for ever-flowing ideas and extraordinary stories. Garnering the trust of the younger generation, our service attracts millions of active users and up to 20 million unique visitors per month. We have substantial influence and high penetration amongst the youth of Taiwan, but our ambitions do not stop here.
As a strong and emerging international company, we are on a mission to spark connections and bring people together. We continue to make impactful influence in the social media, advertising and e-commerce fields. Continuing our success in the Taiwan market, we are now expanding to Hong Kong, Japan (Dtto, Dcard’s company name in Japan), and the SEA market.
In order to create greater goals and value, we require a Global Expansion Manager to join us. Together, we will recruit a formidable team, understand various team needs, aid in the growth of the entire team, establish and continuously optimize company systems and processes. This will help that every individual at our company has an Extraordinary Dcard Experience!
[New Markets Strategy]
[Market Research, User Acquisition & Retention]
[Product & Project Management]
[Collaboration & Team Management]
Dcard 是在年輕族群有極高滲透率與影響力的社群平台。我們致力於打造一個讓每個人都可以放心分享自己故事的地方,讓平凡人分享不平凡故事的新世代社群服務。我們的用戶來自世界各地,除了既有社群服務與版圖,我們也正全力擴張發展新型業務及跨國市場。
面對快速變化的社群生態,我們期待更多優秀的人才加入 Dcard。為了達成這個目標,我們需要 Global Expansion Manager 加入我們, 和我們一起探索進入海外市場,加入這個熱愛挑戰的團隊,一起打造被千萬人喜愛與使用的產品和世界級的網路公司!
Dcard 產品從抽卡延伸至論壇、電商等、服務對象從大學生到所有年輕人。我們正在以成長型思維打造一個快速成長、持續擴展影響力的組織。團隊聚焦長期使命願景與戰略,一同專注目標並持續突破。我們面向世界,在不同領域創造更多的發展與機會,也不滿足於現有版圖。我們需要你的加入幫助 Dcard 在更多領域提供價值給使用者!
在 Dcard,每位夥伴都是平等的,我們重視每個人的多元性。Dcard 致力於打造一個多元與共融的環境,尊重並且包容每一位夥伴,相信平等與多元的價值觀,能帶來無限創新的可能。因此,我們的招募流程提供每個人平等的就業機會,落實無歧視的就業環境。
At Dcard, every member is equal, and we value and celebrate difference. We strive to provide a diverse and inclusive environment, giving respect to every member. We believe that equality and diversity can bring infinite possibilities for innovation. Dcard maintains a non-discriminatory employment environment, giving equal opportunity to all candidates.
享有優於法律的年假、不扣薪病假、生日假和特殊假期(Dcard 日等),休息是為了走更長遠的路。
彈性的 Remote Work,夥伴可以自主安排工作的時間與地點,更多的彈性,創造不同的可能性!
水果日 、手搖杯日、個人按摩、各類運動課程、專屬的 Dcard Buddy Program 等,和夥伴一起享受 Dcard 生活!
我們從夥伴們的需求出發培育夥伴,提供無上限學習資源(書籍、講座、課程補助),夥伴可以直接提出需求,並在 24 小時內即可取得。
不定期和企業顧問合作、舉辦講師內訓,提供國內外 Conference 補助,如 WWDC、Google I/O ⋯,且邀請業界高手來到 Dcard 分享,不定期拜訪其他公司互相交流。我們鼓勵各部門舉辦讀書會、每月舉辦一次 Developer Session,不定期舉辦不同主題的工作坊等。