ESCAPE boredom and restrictions for status, comfort and luxury!
ÉVASION 是 2011年成立於韓國的「頂級精品飯店銷售平台」,也是此高級旅遊市場的領導品牌,從世界各地精心挑選品味極致的度假與設計酒店,並極力提供專屬於會員優惠的旅遊服務。
ÉVASION在法文裡是「逃逸」的意思,帶您從一成不變的生活框架中逃逸,盡享旅遊為您帶來的喜悅與值得玩味的回憶。有別於現有的旅遊機構,ÉVASION 為您的需求與品味量身規劃一場暢快愜意的旅程。
ÉAVSION 致力於爭取來自飯店與旅遊單位給予的最大優惠作為會員專屬優惠。有別於現有的旅行社,我們為會員的需求與品味量身規劃值得回憶的旅程,精挑細選高性價比的住宿選項。成為ÉVASION 會員等同開啟了一場暢快愜意之旅。
ÉAVSION 服務地點擴及全球 91個國家、目前已銜接有上千個頂級精品飯店。ÉAVSION 起源於韓國市場,目前已經在台灣拓點辦公室,想徵求對旅遊新創及國際工作有興趣的伙伴!
Founded in 2011, ÉVASION is the leading member-only luxury online travel agency serving from the Korean market, to 91 countries around the world with over 400 hotels.
We offer a new paradigm of luxurious travel experiences, original and tailored to the unique needs of our members.
Our travel experts select outstanding hotels and resorts the world over, and we offer great value through exclusive deals, ensuring steady growth in a high-value segment.
・Thailand (Bangkok, Phuket)
・China (Hong Kong, Shanghai)
・Vietnam (Danang)
Évasion 的使命就是讓每一位旅客都能享受一個屬於自己的豪華假期!
With insights learned from members quantitatively and qualitatively, we sketched target personas and identified opportunity areas to deliver new and best experiences to ÉVASION members.
Holistic travel experience around a theme, luxurious hotels and a worry-free, completely personal program of activities and transportation, relying on a trusted network of local partners.
Get in touch with our travel team to discuss your unique requirements.