First Code Academy


First Code Academy 非常重視團隊的每個人,我們是一個 work hard, play hard,好奇新事物也對於學習有充滿熱情的組織。趕快加入我們吧!



作爲程式教育的領導者,First Code Academy 相信程式教育,能讓孩子透過做中學,學習運算思維和培養邏輯思考的能力,讓科技成為陪孩子一起闖世界的最佳夥伴。


First Code Academy (FCA) is a leading education institute that teaches kids coding courses and develops curriculum for K-12 students to learn not just coding skills, but computational thinking and entrepreneurship mindset.

The goal is to empower children and teenagers to become creative leaders in the digital era, for their future career and for driving social change.

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辛婥琳 聯合創辦人及執行長

為了培養亞洲孩子的程式力,First Code Academy 團隊由對教育和科技有熱誠的人才組成,我們設計的課程,專注於讓學生從做中學,培養他們獨立思考的能力,並對自己的專案負責,以培育他們成為具創造力和實踐力的領導人。 我希望First Code Academy 教給孩子的編程技巧、學習經驗、開放式指導和亦師亦友的師生關係能開啟他們對自己潛力的探尋,進而創造屬於自己的無限可能。

張介源 聯合創辦人及運營官



當科技逐漸成為生活的重心,First Code Academy 相信程式教育,能讓孩子透過做中學,學習運算思維和培養邏輯思考的能力,讓科技成為陪孩子一起闖世界的最佳夥伴。 我們將矽谷高中生的教材改編過後帶進課堂,4-18歲的孩子都能和我們一起在課堂裡,自由地發揮創意和挖掘解決問題的方法,不設限地探索自己的無限可能。

First Code Academy 的故事源於2012,創辦人辛婥琳在矽谷當軟體工程師時,常利用假日時間教孩子寫程式,原以為需要縝密邏輯思考的編程會讓孩子對學習失去興趣,卻意外看見孩子因為親手創造出屬於自己的作品,而眼神發光,啟發她想要將同樣的感動帶回她的家鄉——香港。

辛婥琳在2013年回到香港,並創立 First Code Academy。團隊致力推廣程式教育,包含手機應用程式編寫、3D列印製作、動畫製作等等科技相關課程,已有10,000多名來自香港、新加坡和台灣的學生和我們一起成長。


First Code Academy was founded with the mission to provide students with digital literacy and computational thinking skills and empowering them to become creators with technology. Using proprietary curriculum adapted from Silicon Valley high schools, our after-school learning programs are incorporated in learning environments designed to stimulate inquiry based learning, logical thinking and creative problem solving.

In 2012, Michelle was working in Silicon Valley as a software engineer and volunteered to teach programming to primary and secondary school students at a program operated at Stanford campus. During that time, she observed how the millennials (digital natives) interact and create with technology and reflected upon her education in Hong Kong.

Moving back to Hong Kong in 2013, Michelle then began to offer coding and STEM courses and develop curriculum for primary and secondary students to learn not just coding skills, but also computational thinking. Since then, our team has taught mobile applications, games, 3D Printing and animation to over 10,000 students from age 4 and above in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan.

We are excited to empower our next generation to become creative leaders in the digital era, for their future career and for driving social change. Join our journey! :)





●  Join us in revolutionizing the concept of education in Asia ●  Be a part of a compassionate team that treats you like family and emphasizes open communication ●  Be part of the fun - our Summer video :) ●  Get involved in large-scale events such as AppJamming Summit , a regional app competition for kids from age 8 to 16 to showcase their app creation. We host Semi-Finals in Hong Kong and Singapore and a Final in Hong Kong with students joining us from all over Asia.

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