Digital Marketing Specialist


Job Description

The marketing team is responsible for driving high performance across paid online channels such as display advertising, paid search, paid social advertising, and other emerging online channels.


Are you a person who has tons of ideas and is also good at execution? This job might be a good fit for you!


- Experience with A/B Testing
- Experience with SEO
- Marketing/advertising campaigns
- Manage social accounts across several platforms
- Improve organic search engine performance and goal-setting based on click through rates/traffic/conversions
- Set up and manage tracking systems for marketing campaigns and online activities
- Increase user interaction
- Experience with Google Analytics and Google Adwords


- Bilingual or multilingual with English
- Work closely with developers and design team
- At least 1 year experience related to digital marketing
- Excellent organizational, written and verbal communication
- Ability to think and execute strategically, move fast, problem-solve and make decisions
- Ability to contribute individually, and participate in cross-functional teams

1. 每個月挑選一天 remote 工作:隨意找個舒服的角落躲起來開心工作吧!
2. 每個月免費彈性參加健身房和各種有趣、含金量高的講座
3. 每週一次的 Happy Hour
4. 無限量補充的辦公室點心和咖啡
5. 補休:如果週末有突發狀況臨時需要支援,我們會確保你有足夠的休息再來
6. 舒服又有美景的辦公室環境
7. 三節獎金





1. 彈性時段上班 9:00-9:30 (正職團隊)
2. 每個月有免費的辦公室活動可以參加 (TRX、瑜珈、拳擊隨便你選)
3. 無限量補充的辦公室點心和媲美咖啡廳的咖啡,隨時填飽肚子、保持清醒
4. 如果週末有突發狀況臨時需要支援,我們會確保你有足夠的休息
5. 舒服又有美景的辦公室環境,位在信義區核心,往窗外看就有蘋果旗艦店、台北 101,下班逛街超方便
6. 無限量語言學習機會:目前 Glossika 平台提供超過 60 種語言,想學什麼就學什麼
7. 鼓勵你去旅行看世界,想排假不囉唆
8. 與聰明有趣、充滿才華又努力的團隊成員一起工作

Salary Range

NT$ 35,000 - 48,000 (Monthly)