內湖店 餐廳部 廚房主任 Kitchen Team Leade


1.Ensuring our customers are always in focus and strive to make them smile.
2.Take immediate action to meet the needs of customers and give input on how to continuously improve the meeting with them.
3.Ensure there is the right number of co-workers in the right place at the right time to run successfully.
4.Challenge costs by working in a lean, simple, cost-conscious way, using and sharing good examples and encouraging the team to discover smarter ways of working.
5.Secured an irresistible food offer by ensuring and attractive presentation and communication of the range.
6.Passionate about products and actively learn about their content, origins and other benefits.
7.Work towards agreed goals and take appropriate action to ensure meet them.


1.Passionate about home furnishing industry.
2.Experience of working in vibrant retail environment with proven track record
3.Experience of supervising and working in a team
4.Experience of serving customers.
5.Ability to priorities and organize work.
6.Fair English skills in reading, witting and speaking.






  • 為期三個月師傅計劃
  • 無國界的線上學習課程


  • 優於法令的特休假制度
  • 彈性的 Remote Work 員工可視需求提出申請
  • 電動升降桌及人體工學座椅
  • 專屬員工更衣室
  • 盥洗空間
  • ()乳室
  • 免費咖啡//氣泡飲料
  • 員工餐廳
  • 員工休息室
  • 員工限定小物 如鯊魚悠遊卡
  • 不定期舉辦多元節日慶祝活動
  • 辦理團隊 Workshop ,凝聚彼此共識、培養默契
  • 免費健康檢查,提供員工完善的健康照護
  • 舒緩壓力、消除疲勞的按摩服務


