Language Hero 語言英雄

Corporate video

我們很高興能夠建立世界上第一個能讓初學者從第1天開始, 用英語和國語互相交流的語言聊天程序,我們正在尋找一位前端程式師加入我們的國際團隊!


About Us

我們正在架構一個語言聊天應用程式; 它就像是“Tandem” 外加上內容和指導。它是專為初學語言學生而設計的。從第1天起,它讓那些不懂對方語言的學生很舒適地開始一起對談。
We are building a language chat app; it is like Tandem with content and guidance.
It is designed for beginning language students. It gets pairs of students who don't know each other's language speaking it together comfortably from day 1.

我們很高興能夠建立世界上第一個能讓初學者從第1天開始, 用英語和普通話互相交流的語言聊天程序。這就是它目前在運行中的樣子:
We're excited about building the world's first language chat that gets beginners speaking to each other in English and Mandarin from Day 1. Here's what it looks like in action:

Here's user feedback from Beta:

我們的應用程式已經過了Beta版。 我們正在為大學,學校,輔導機構,企業建立商業B2B版本。
App has been Beta'd. We're building commercial B2B version for Universities, Schools, Tutoring, Corporate.

我們在紐約有説英語的團隊; 我們希望在台灣建立軟體工程團隊,將來在亞洲銷售產品。
We have English speaking team in New York; we want to hire local Taiwanese developer and to build a team in Taiwan for future products to be sold in Asia.

我們想在台灣建立一個團隊制作兒童版的智能對聊。 它將使用相同的基本商業模式流程,但將是具有AR動畫的互動式說故事的應用程序。 我們計劃在明年夏天推出。 我們希望在推出這個B2B學術和輔導版本後立即開始。
We want to build a team in Taiwan for a Kids Chat version of Smart Chat. It's going to use the same basic business processes but will be an interactive storytelling app with AR animations. We plan to launch it next summer. We want to get started on that right after we launch this B2B academic and tutoring version.

Members ( 1 / 4 )

Warren Friesner

Erick Kuo

Joanna Lu

Don Wei

Warren Friesner CEO

My goal is to make Language Hero the Gold Standard for Language Learning

Erick Kuo C0-founder; Branding & Design Director

My Role in Language Hero is to create a strong brand, and make our app clean, attractive, seamless, and intuitive

Joanna Lu COO

I'm interested both in ways to democratize language learning and to develop business training modules for growing industries, such as health and tourism in Asia

Don Wei CTO

I want to develop the world's most advanced tech for learning to speak a new language and communicate conversationally, across language barriers


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