System Engineer (系統工程師)

MoBagel 行動貝果


1. Perform scheduled configuration changes to network switches and routers, firewalls and wireless devices.
2. Identify network issues and determine and recommend appropriate solutions.
3. Participate in rotating on call schedule with other members of the team.
4. Provide quality documentation and deliver presentations about network issues, updates, troubleshooting techniques, etc.


1. Experience with Unix/Linux environments.
2. Familiar with Shell Script.
3. Hands-on experience implementing, troubleshooting, and supporting Internet-based applications, web servers, mail servers (e.g., Exchange, Lotus, sendmail or Postfix), and Linux/Unix operating systems.
4. Experience with Identity Management or Directory Services (LDAP, AD).

[Nice to have]
1. Understanding of technologies such as virtualization and global infrastructure, load balancing, networking, massive data storage, Hadoop, MapReduce and security.
2. Strong network administration and troubleshooting skills with understanding of Linux/Unix system administration. Strong understanding of web and mail-related standards, such as HTTP, HTML, XML, cookie-based SSO, and SMTP.






  1. Team Building 凝聚共識與感情
  2. 每個月不定時舉辦員工聚餐或活動
  3. 依上班時間提供早晚餐及 TGIF 午餐
  4. 書籍、課程進修、考取證照等專業進修補助
  5. 辦公室備有免費飲料與零食,可以盡情的吃爆喝爆
  6. 業績/分紅獎金
  7. 鼓勵並補助健康檢查
  8. 員工配股/優惠認購股份


  1. 在職進修補助
  2. 員工教育訓練
  3. 海外駐點輪調 (美國矽谷、日本東京、中國上海和北京),視疫情開放


NT$ 40,000 - 60,000 (月薪)