Oddle | 新加坡商奧德利有限公司台灣分公司


Oddle | Building a sustainable future for the F&B industry



Oddle來自新加坡,致力於幫助餐廳發展自營品牌的合作伙伴, 目前橫跨台灣、香港、馬來西亞等餐飲市場,希望運用數位餐飲科技、提供餐飲經營者專業的經營知識,達成O2O(線上線下)營收增長,目前輔導全球超過5,000家餐飲品牌,讓餐飲品牌更升級。

台灣是美食王國,也是Oddle 積極發展發的重要市場, 我們從新加坡啟程,期待把Oddle的服務拓展到台灣,並成為橫跨亞太地區的 Food Tech 領導品牌。如果你願意跟我們一起完成這個目標,歡迎你帶著你的衝勁及創意,加入我們!

Oddle is a Singapore-based F&B tech startup who set ourselves on the mission to be restaurants’ revenue partner by helping restaurants identify & connect with their best customers. Our omnichannel platform captures and unifies a restaurant’s customer touch points to help serve these customers in more precise and meaningful engagements.

Oddle offers a full suite of practical solutions, including Oddle Shop for delivery & takeaway, Reservation, Payment Terminal & Redeemables for dine-in, as well as data-guided marketing solutions such as Oddle Eats and Audience Marketing, with ongoing developments across Asia.

With an “Always Restaurant First” philosophy, we make digital transformation a breeze with our seamless and cost-effective solution. Over 7000 restaurants across Asia have partnered with us to future proof themselves and build a sustainable business.



「自由時報 - Oddle Eats 母親節外帶外送大餐」https://oddle.vip/1RM
「聯合報 - 抹茶季Oddle Eats推薦」https://oddle.vip/eEr
「美麗佳人 - 父親節蛋糕Oddle Eats推薦」https://oddle.vip/vWZ

Oddle Feed 美食媒體:https://tw-eats.oddle.me/feeds


Building a sustainable future for the F&B Industry

At the heart of Oddle is a passionate team across Asia, committed to supporting the F&B industry with results-oriented solutions. Every year, 60% of restaurants fall off the market. New names get lost in the sea of competition. Customised solutions are too expensive. Cheap solutions are inadequate. Concerns on lowering operating costs make it harder for restuarants to reach the next tier of success.


Always Restaurant First

Being restaurateurs, we understand the obstacles faced by those in the industry. That's why we started Oddle. We want to make it easy for restaurants to engage, manage and grow their F&B business through an all-in-one system.





  • Oddle跨足新加坡、台灣、馬來西亞、香港等地的餐飲市場,你可以學習 & 理解不同語言及文化,更能了解不同國家產業的發展,像是餐飲業、數位轉型、新創事業等
  • 優渥的薪資制度
  • 培養你的味蕾:公司補助的平台美食品嚐 (有時也可以吃到米其林餐廳喔!)
  • 比勞基法更多的特休:辛苦工作之餘,放鬆也是必要的~

媒體報導 ( 9 )


