我們將網際網路上的資訊,如 Facebook 貼文、Instagram圖片、 YouTube留言、Twitter 、各大新聞、消費者評論、產品評論、業務文檔,再到專利申請和論壇等數據,透過匯總、分析並經由最尖端的文字分析技術、自然語言處理技術(Natural Language Processing)及電腦視覺(Computer Vision)分析之後,幫助客戶從數據中取得有價值的資訊,透過我們的工具及服務,客戶可以更快速、更全面地了解市場趨勢、競爭對手、消費者偏好等,能制定更有效的營銷策略和商業決策,從而在市場中佔有更大的優勢。
[ Responsibilities ]
You will develop a custom data downloader to gather data from popular social media platforms
You will be part of team to gain insights into requirements, explorer new features, design, implement and deploy your solution
You will be coding in Python or Java, applying CI/CD in software development, and deploying containerized applications to Kubernetes
You will be working closely with content-acquisition engineers to learn the software development practice and data crawling knowledge
At least 6 months commitment, available to work 16 hours per week, and 40 hours per week during summer vacation would be a plus.
BS, MS or Ph.D. in Computer Science or equivalent.
Familiar with Java or Python, and are willing to code with either
Experience with Restful API integration
Experience with Git and containerized applications using Docker
Good understanding of HTTP and Restful APIs
Knowledge of popular data formats (e.g., JSON, XML, CSV) and the ability to handle them appropriately during ingestion
Good communication and collaboration skills to work with people, passionate to solve challenging problems.
[ Nice To Have ]
Experience in implementing web crawlers
Experience in Airbyte
Experience in K8s
- 彈性上班時間,政府行事曆中補班日不上班
- 可自由選擇在家工作
- 每年15天特休假
- 每年3天全薪家庭照顧假,讓員工可以兼任職場工作與家庭照顧責任
- 3天Happy Hours假並自由參加豐富多元的活動(電影欣賞、紅白酒鑑賞、登山、衝浪、騎單車、做甜點、路跑、享用米其林餐點)
- 週五下午不上班 (half day off every Friday afternoon in summer)
- 服務每滿五年,另有一個月(Sabbatical)充電假
- 20%自己進修時間
- 體檢假、出差假
- 優質團保 (公司負擔全額,並含配偶及小孩)
- 優質年度健康檢查
- 股票選擇權
- 高額教育訓練/技術研討會補助金及上課假
- 高額員工推薦獎金
- 免費飲料水果零食供應
- 自由、彈性、活潑的美式工作環境
- 坐式/站式升降辦公桌、高規筆電 (MacBook Pro or Windows)、24吋可旋轉(雙)螢幕及27吋 2k螢幕供選擇