Project Manager


We are actively seeking for a Project Manager who is passionate about AI applications. As a Project Manager at Synergies, you will be responsible for effectively overseeing multiple projects throughout different project phases, and ensuring cohesive progress in developing Synergies industrial solutions and AI platforms with internal and external teams. Most importantly, this role is expected to have a deep understanding of image or motion applications and expertise in project management to ensure on-time delivery and execution of customer commitments. The individual also must be enthusiast about the trend in Industry 4.0 and creative on planning innovative solutions to complex manufacturing challenges; bringing Synergies values to our customers.




1. 兼顧專案範疇與滿足客戶需求的同時進行流程規劃與時程安排等

2. 系統作業流程訪談與功能規格文件撰寫

3. 專案整體管控、執行、管理、問題追蹤解決及確保完善地驗收交付

4. 進行專案的資源、品質、成本及風險管理

5. 跨部門溝通與專案相關事宜協調






1. 2年以上系統軟體專案經理或相關軟體開發職位

2. 可配合公司執行專案所需出差(中國)

3. 資訊工程、資訊管理等相關科系背景

4. 熟悉專案文件撰寫架構

5. 個性主動積極、負責、有耐心且抗壓性高

6. 具備團隊合作、能有效溝通與熱於學習的特質


[Preferred Qualifications]

1. Master’s degree in Information Science, Data Science, Industrial Engineering or other related disciplines.

2. Experience in planning and executing smart factory or industrial IoT projects.

3. PMP certification.





§ 扁平化的組織管理
§ 具競爭力的薪資
§ 年終獎金、績效獎金、分紅配股
§ 勞保、健保、退休金提撥
§ 彈性的出缺勤管理
§ 優於勞基法之休假制度,每月一天帶薪病假
§ 舉辦公司聚餐與慶生會
§ 提供豐富零食飲料


NT$ 50,000 - 89,999 (月薪)