Executive Assistant Intern 執行助理實習

TURING SPACE bridges TRUST across borders.


◗ About the Role

Turing Space is looking for an Executive Assistant to be the backbone of our Executive Office, supporting the CEO and CTO. In this role, you'll manage external communications, assist with project management, and handle a variety of administrative tasks including scheduling and research. Your attention to detail and ability to adapt will be critical in executing day-to-day responsibilities and contributing to our long-term success. As we expand into the Japanese and other international markets, your role will be pivotal in supporting our executive office during this growth phase.   


◗ What You'll Be Doing

  • Communication: Act as the primary point of contact for external communications, including both written and verbal forms as well as face-to-face meetings. 

  • Research & Analysis: Conduct research and provide analytical insights on relevant business topics.   

  • Schedule Management: Coordinate and manage schedules, meetings, and travel plans for the executive office. 

  • Documentation: Attend crucial meetings, taking comprehensive notes, and capturing all essential points and action items. 

  • Proactive Follow-Up: Monitor and track action items resulting from meetings, ensuring timely execution. 

  • Project Management:Collaborate closely with key decision-makers on various projects, ensuring tasks are completed and milestones are met.  

  • Executive Support: Handle invoicing, expense reports, reimbursements, and coordinate travel arrangements.   

  • Day-to-Day Operations: Handle daily tasks and administrative duties to facilitate the CEO/CTO's priorities.


◗ Minimum Qualifications

  • Detail-Oriented: Your meticulous approach ensures tasks are completed to the highest standards, aiding quick executive decisions. 

  • Adaptability and Flexibility: Thriving in fast-paced, ever-changing environments, you're skilled at juggling multiple tasks at once without losing focus. 

  • Quick Learner with Initiative: You rapidly absorb new skills and take initiative, making you invaluable in fast-paced environments. 

  • Strong Communication Skills: You can simplify complex data into actionable summaries and are bilingual in Mandarin and English. 

  • Teamwork Abilities: Your cooperative nature enables smooth collaboration with colleagues across different departments. 

  • Strong Interpersonal Skills: Demonstrates excellent communication and diplomacy in coordinating across teams, managing executive schedules, and interacting with external partners. 

Internship Period: Preferably from 2025/02 - 2025/06. Welcome senior students in college.



1st Round: Online Interview → 2nd Round: Online or Onsite interview




◗ What Makes You Stand Out in A Crowd

  • Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Management, or a related field. 
  • Fundamental understanding of accounting, budgeting, or financial planning. 

  • Basic to native proficiency in an additional language other than Mandarin, such as English and Japanese. 

  • Experience in administrative or assistant roles is appreciated 

  • Study abroad experience is a plus.





◗ 圖靈人 6 大核心

  • 當責 Ownership我們是結果導向的團隊,不過度細分管理,給你主控權發揮無限創意。
  • 誠信 IntegrityDon’t Do Evil. 我們以「傳遞信任」為己任,歡迎具相同信念且律己守信的你成為夥伴。
  • 先驅 Pioneer: 勇於嘗試是圖靈人推崇的特質之一:比起害怕犯錯,我們更害怕失去創新的勇氣。
  • 開放 Openness: 檢討的對象,永遠是制度而非個人。歡迎你不懼提問、事實求助,共同提升團隊效率。
  • 幸福 Well-being良性壓力能帶來快樂,如果你不快樂請隨時反映,我們一起調整、改善現況。
  • 成長 Growth:「反思沉澱」是自我提升的大捷徑,透過每週部門/跨部門的討論與交流,全體快速茁壯。

◗ 圖靈人文化


Work from Anywhere!團隊中有不少數位游牧者,在確保良好的工作品質與溝通下,旅居世界各地的工作模式是被鼓勵的。但也希望能在白天工作時段找到夥伴確認業務內容,緊急訊息也能得到回覆,具體實施辦法只要能跟直屬主管/團隊夥伴達成共識,就能把整個星球都變成你的辦公室囉!

➂ 協助 & 夥伴支持
我們注重良性互動和即時反饋,同時達到團隊信任與個人職涯發展,有任何反饋需要,可隨時尋求協助。除了團隊主管與成員們的固定會議,每兩個月還會安排成員與 CEO 及 CTO 的換乘 1 on 1 Meeting,超歡迎你丟出想法、盡情暢所欲言~

每半年進行一次 360 Performance Feedback Review,好的表現會給予獎勵,待進步的同事也有明確制度輔導。圖靈也常態舉辦每周跨部門會議、每月公司全體會議,讓 TSer 全盤了解公司發展狀況。偶爾也會舉辦火烤老闆大會(CEO & CTO 開放式座談會),TSer 可匿名詢問老闆各種問題,老闆定會知無不言!


◗ 圖靈人福利 


  • 休假福利:除法定特休外,每週年享有 7 天 Well-Being Days 福利假,實現工作與生活平衡;全年病假不扣薪,讓夥伴無憂養好身體;補班日不補班,學習、充電、照顧自己,一切由你決定!
  • 健康檢查:每兩年提供價值 5,000 元的健康檢查套餐,並有眷屬折扣方案,照顧自己與家人。


  • Turing 咖啡日:每週三早晨提供台北優質咖啡,在輕鬆氛圍中激發新想法、新靈感。
  • 咖啡零食無限:公司 1 樓手沖咖啡免費暢飲,還有 Haagen-Dazs 冰淇淋、氣泡水及各國零食無限供應,隨時補充能量。
  • 團隊聚餐:每人每月 300 元餐費補助,促進成員之間的互動交流。


  • 學習發展支持:提供內部培訓、購書願望清單及每年 8000元 的學習費用補助,學習主題任你挑~並不定期邀請外部講師主持分享會或工作坊,助力成員技能提升。 
  • Buddy Program:每位新進成員都有 Buddy 協助快速融入,並提供 Buddy & New TSer 歡聚費,促進交流。


  • 跟著 TSer 喜好舉辦的 Team Building:福委會籌辦各類活動,如唱 K 日、桌羽球、員工旅遊、聖誕派對等,並不定期發放按摩券,讓大家放鬆身心,增強團隊凝聚力。
  • Team Empowerment Workshop不定期邀請 TSer 擔任講師分享或主持工作坊,主題多元不設限,讓你獲得各種知識點。


◗ New TSer Onboard Process 新人到職流程

Buddy Program
大部分新夥伴到職會有個適應期,為讓 New TSer 能更好的認識圖靈,每位 New TSer 都會有一位現職同事作為 Buddy,協助其了解圖靈的工作和生活。從熟悉公司的價值觀和工作流程,到分享團隊的小故事,甚至是公司附近的餐飲及娛樂建議。我們希望這段陪伴能加速你對圖靈的適應,讓你不會徬徨無助。在到職的前一個月裡,Buddy 和 New TSer 都會有公司補助的歡聚費,你們可以在輕鬆的環境中聊聊工作和生活,自在地認識彼此。

Mentor 制度
圖靈的 Mentor 制度強調與新人確認共同目標並一起努力達成。我們在乎你是否能夠在圖靈自我實現,我們相信當你的個人目標與圖靈的目標契合度越高,越能形成強大的力量。此外,Mentor 將分享個人經驗與秘訣,進行示範及協助設定具體的量化目標,確保你的成長明確可見。不僅是Mentor,圖靈的每個人都能/都樂於當你的小幫手,所以不用想太多,好好學習好好享受吧!

➂ Probation Review 制度
每位 New TSer 在到職當天會收到一份為期 3 個月的任務清單,透過遊戲化的設計引導新人逐步完成挑戰。闖關途中卡關 Don’t Worry,我們會事先為你指派一位 Mentor,陪伴你共同討論並設定在 3 個月內要達成的目標。完成試用期後,你將參加 Probation Sharing,與所有 TSer 分享這段期間的心路歷程與成長成果。此外,你也將獲得來自 Mentor 和同儕的回饋。保持開放、促進成長是圖靈一直以來珍視的核心文化,我們期待看到你的蛻變與進步,成為縱橫在偉大航道上的強力夥伴。


NT$ 200 - 200 (時薪)