Senior Back-End Engineer

We develop and shape your life.

Job Description

As a senior back-end engineer in UNNO Technology, your daily main work is to ensure our large-scale distributed web system is under good infrastructure design.

- Design and build infrastructures which meet the short-term product feature plan as
well as the long-term product future goals.
- Lead the team to analyze the performance of the critical system components.


Must to have
- Familiarity with Python and any of its web framework such as Django or Flasks. ( For your information, we develop highly-available distributed systems by Django framework.)
- Experience in handle highly concurrent systems.
- Understanding of micro-service architecture and operating systems.
- Hands-on experience with large-scale Docker / Kubernetes deployments.

We’d love to cooperate with the candidates who have
- Strong leadership skill with great ownership.
- Passion about software development, problem-solving and technical challenges.
- Strong propensity for action, results and continuous improvement.
- Great communication and teamwork skills.

Remote type

Hybrid Interview


Hybrid Job

提供遠端工作申請制度,每個月至少有 4 次,最多至 8 次的遠端工作申請次數

Preferred Qualifications

Better to have
- 3+ years of relevant experience.
- Experience in Golang.


Welfares by law


Other benefits

團隊有寬敞舒適的辦公空間,成員標配 MacBook Pro + Dell 顯示器
💰 與薪資有關的那些事💰
- 優於業界的薪資
- 兩個月固定獎金
🧧 與津貼獎金有關的事🧧
- 機會獎金
- 內部推薦獎金
- 每年旅遊補貼
- 中秋端午禮金
- 生日快樂禮金
- 各式婚喪喜慶津貼
🍹 與吃喝有關的那些事🍹
- 食物滿滿零食櫃
- 不可或缺咖啡機
- 每週三五下午茶
- 每月全公司聚餐
⛱  與其他福利有關的事⛱
- 試用期通過後七天特休
- 每年帶薪病假五天
- 生日當月選一天休假
- 試用期通過後固定電影票
- 桌遊很多等你來玩
- 定期羽球籃球下班動一動
- 兩年一次健康檢查
🔎  與團隊有關的那些事🔎
- 良好的互助分享氛圍
- 人人自由提出想法,鼓勵實踐有益團隊的任何事情
- 完善的職級架構,幫助和鼓勵個人的職業發展
- 每季實行從公司、各部門至個人的 OKR 目標規劃

Salary Range

NT$ 80,000 - 140,000 (Monthly)