Verdigris 使用人工智慧技術為建築物節能。智慧建築是這股 AI 趨勢下最節能並且具有環保價值與商機的題目。歡迎大家加入我們一起創造智慧建築及建立智慧城市!
Verdigris 能源監控系統是一項前瞻的能源管理技術。安裝後可即時追蹤、通知及偵測電力異常事件。結合專利傳感器和人工智能,Verdigris 了解建築物的運作方式,並幫助診斷設備問題和管理能源。
Verdigris 綠銅科技成立於加州的美國太空總署 Ames 研究中心,客戶遍及九個國家。 Verdigris 由國際著名風險投資支持,至今募集了兩千兩百萬美元的資金。 Verdigris 目前專注於對能源及關鍵設備管理有需求的設施,如製造業,旅館和醫院。客戶包括 Nvidia,研華,Grand Hyatt,NASA,Jabil 以及 Bechtel 等等。
Verdigris 將獨家無線感應器夾在主電源、配電盤和電路上,收集電流以及電壓資料,並且運用自家的人工智慧演算法提供客戶深入的見解資料;甚至可將原始資料販售給大樓管理單位或是與大樓的管理系統進行整合,自動控制用電情況。(NVIDIA 正在研究如何將 Verdigris 的技術用在降低自家矽谷園區的用電量)
現有電表運作方式,多數建築物偶爾派人以走動方式查核用電量,Verdigris 的數位系統可隨時將用電量資料上傳到雲端。藉由預測問題和找出優化及自動化的區域,可以加快企業的動作和完成更多工作,像是旅館主管能在客人注意到前,便查覺和解決建築物的問題。
Verdigris 也期望未來能將其技術運用於提高能源使用效率和降低碳足跡上。最終期望 Verdigris 的技術不只是用在智慧建築優化上,還能用在智慧城市方面。透過頻寬成本大幅跌落,還有感應器和資料收集、處理以及儲存技術的成長,推動人工智慧的蓬勃發展,使這些目標得以完成。
Verdigris 台灣分公司成立於 2018 五月,目標為亞洲區市場,包括中國、香港、韓國、日本、越南、馬來西亞、新加坡。分部地點位於 Garage+ (。
Mark Chung
Jonathan Chu
Thomas Chung
Mark Chung CEO
Mark is the CEO, cofounder of Verdigris. Previously he was a principal engineer at AMD, Pasemi, and NetLogic. He is an advisor to a few startups, graduated in EE from Stanford, and is addicted to self-help books.
Jonathan Chu CTO
Jonathan is the CTO, cofounder of Verdigris. He has co authored several publications and patents on specialized silicon algorithms, deep-packet inspection and robotics. Jon was a principal scientist at IBM and holds dual masters in CE and Public Policy from Carnegie Mellon. He doesn’t like sleep.
Thomas Chung CMO
Thomas leads product and growth as a cofounder of Verdigris. He was previously COO of The Playforge acquired by Saban Capital Group where he oversaw product strategy and studio operations. The Playforge was a multi-year top 10 grossing App developer. Thomas has a BS in Computer Sciences from UT Austin. His commute sucks but his view is awesome.
李建翰 嵌入式系統工程師
交大資工系畢業, 成功大學資工所碩士, 擅長機器視覺軟體,嵌入式軟韌體 興趣是打羽毛球
蔡宏彬博士 General Manager of Greater Asia Region
台大電機所博士畢業, 台大電機所碩士, 昱菱科技共同創辦人, 目前致力於產品嵌入式系統開發,擅長分享冷知識
Better Data, Smarter Buildings
Our goal is simple - make buildings responsive. With people spending 92% of their time in buildings, we want to create a world where buildings take care of people, not the other way around. Too often we find ourselves wasting valuable resources resolving building issues, from broken equipments to high energy balances. We want to remove that burden from people with smart technology. This started with us gathering building data and turning them into actionable insights, resulting in a powerful energy management platform. However we’re not stopping there - we’re working hard to make it even more integrated so that buildings become autonomous and responsive to people.
Verdigris is a values based organization. Here are the 7 cultural values that we believe and live by:
.Mission > Team > Individuals
.Focus on Process Innovation
.Stay Humble, Seek Feedback, Improve
.Share Info and be Transparent
.Keep Work Fun
.Get Proof
.Challenge Accepted, Help Requested
Founded at NASA Ames in California, Verdigris has customers in 9 countries. Verdigris is venture-backed and has raised 22M in funding.
Verdigris currently focuses on critical use facilities such as manufacturing, hotels and hospitals. Clients include Jabil, Nvidia, Amazon, Advantech, Hyatt, Marriott and more.
Verdigris' mission is to sustain and enrich human life through responsive energy intelligence.
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