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We Believe People Make The Company!


About Us

美商Antaira Technologies是工業級網路設備的領導廠商,擁有國際頂尖的專業創新團隊,能有效提供客戶解決方案,並以客戶服務為本的精神經營品牌公司。


美商Antaira的客戶遍及各行各業,如: 交通運輸、安全監控、工業自動化、電力輸送、通訊系統、石化、金融、零售、餐飲、美國國防及政府部門、教育及研發單位。基於業務擴張需求我們於2010年在臺北設立分公司,以提供更有效的後勤支援及更便捷的客戶服務。


Our Missions

We believe people make the company!

Antaira Technologies is a leading developer and supplier that provides high-quality industrial networking and communication product solutions. Since 2005, Antaira has offered a full spectrum of product lines that feature reliable Ethernet infrastructures, extended temperature tolerance, and rugged enclosure designs. Our product lines range from industrial Ethernet switches, industrial wireless devices, Ethernet media converters, and serial communication devices. Our vast professional experience allows us to deploy a wide array of products worldwide in mission-critical applications across various markets, such as automation, transportation, security, oil & gas, power/utility, and medical.

As a leader and trusted partner in industrial device networking product solutions, Antaira is committed to providing quality products and value-added service to its customers and channel partners to create solutions that deliver advancement in a wide array of applications worldwide.

Our Story

2005/08: US Headquarters (AUS) established in Anaheim, California

2010/07: Asia Branch (ATW) established in Taipei, Taiwan

2012/02: Europe Branch (AEU) established in Warsaw, Poland


Welfares by law


Other benefits


  1. 員工配股、分紅
  2. 年終獎金2個月
  3. 業績獎金、績效獎金、專案達成激勵獎金
  4. 績效獎金
  5. 年節禮金 (端午與中秋)、生日禮金
  6. 人才推薦獎金
  7. 年資期滿獎勵
  8. 專利申請獎金


  1. 員工旅遊/娛樂補助
  2. 員工停車位補助
  3. 免費咖啡、零食、飲料櫃
  4. 休閒放鬆設施 (提供PS4遊戲機)
  5. 語文課程、健康課程 (專業教師授課)
  6. 員工健檢 (給予健檢公假)
  7. 每季部門聚餐活動補助
  8. 年度家庭日活動、公益活動、尾牙饗宴
  9. 福委會設置 (公司全額提撥經費,不另扣職工福利金)


  1. 彈性上下班
  2. 週休二日(遇彈性休假時不另行補班)
  3. 優於勞基法規定之休假制度 (每年度額外之全薪假)


  1. 完整的新進同仁訓練計畫,幫助新人更快適應融入
  2. 員工新進到職即享有全薪福利假

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