


As a professional in our team you will be responsible for preparing advanced business models and valuations for a wide range of purposes including: M&A transactions, debt financing, restructuring, strategy, accounting purposes, etc. You will be able to cooperate with both major Taiwan and multinational companies. In general, you will take an active part in whole processes related to V&M projects. That will include:

1. Financial reporting valuations for business combinations (i.e., a client's allocation of purchase price to assets and liabilities acquired), inclusive of enterprise values, intangible assets, legal entities, real estate, personal property.
2. Valuation of goodwill and indefinite and long-lived asset impairment testing for financial reporting purposes.
3. Valuation for tax purposes, including local, international and personal tax and in support of tax equity financings, as well as services related to a client's allocation of purchase price for tax purposes only.
4. Consultative services to assist clients with their business plan development, strategic investment decisions, or other financial objectives.
5. Assist with other financial reporting valuations such as derivative securities, debt instruments, and Employee Stock Option Plans.
6. Valuations for regulatory and compliance purposes.
7. Assist team to perform valuation work for M&A transactions, debt financing and restructuring purposes.
8. Contributing to business development and the sales process.
9. Taking part in other activities as appropriate to complete the project.


We are looking for an exceptional individual who has 1-3 years of financial due diligence, audit experience or related experiences and has strong educational background in finance, accounting or business school related field. Someone who demonstrates comprehensive accounting skills including working knowledge of accounting principles and financial reporting standards. Interest in M&A environment would be appreciated but is not demanded.Excellent written and oral communication skills in both English and Mandarin Chinese.










  • AM 8:30~9:00 / PM 5:30~6:00,以利同仁兼顧家庭照顧


  • 預給年假休假制: 員工到職即享有休假,不受限於年資屆滿方可休假之限制
  • 溫書假: 最多可有2個月溫書假


  • 政府法令規定之保險: 勞保、健保及勞工退休金提撥
  • 完整的團體保險: 事務所全額負擔,提供同仁全方位的團體保險,包含: 
  1. 壽險/意外險/意外醫療險/住院醫療險/癌症醫療險
  2. 眷屬優惠費率自費方案: 可選擇加保配偶及子女(子女不論人數,均以1人計費)
  3. 出國出差期間再享高額的旅行平安險: 含意外險及意外醫療險,提高同仁差旅時之人身照護保障
  4. 國際SOS緊急醫療服務: 提供24小時全球各城市旅行安全電話諮詢,及國際SOS緊急醫療服務
  5. 個人保險諮詢: 保險專業人員每月定期至事務所提供個人保險諮詢服務  


  • 專業證照獎勵金及協會會員費之補助
  • 行動通訊費補助及VPN超優惠費率
  • 夜歸計程車車資補助
  • 個人配置筆記型電腦/網路電話
  • 同仁專屬 coffee bar
  • 保健活動: 
  1. 健康檢查:安排免費健檢,除事務所簽約之特約醫院/健診中心外,亦可依同仁意願自行選擇受檢醫療院所
  2. 流感疫苗接種活動
  3. 企業按摩師服務

●員工協助方案: 協助員工及時處理個人/生活/和工作相關的議題,包含

  1. 免費諮詢專線
  2. 專業諮商師針對工作/生活/法律/理財/醫療提供一對一免費、保密的諮詢服務
  3. 名人講座
  4. 主動關懷活動,讓每位同仁都能擁有健康的身心,並可兼顧工作與生活

●醫護諮詢室: 落實同仁的健康福利與教育訓練,營造更健康安全的職場環境  

  • 貼心舒適的哺集乳室  
  • 各組高額活動補助: 補助員工餐敘、旅遊活動等  
  • 婚喪禮金
  • 生育禮金



  1. 羽球社/籃球社/瑜珈社/順氣社/郊山社/百岳社/單車社/攝影社/BEST Club(英文俱樂部)等
  2. 鼓勵同仁發展休閒興趣,發起成立新社團  
  • 藝文活動
  1. 舉辦多項藝文欣賞活動&購票補助
  2. 電影票發放  
  • 運動嘉年華會,運動推廣及團隊向心力的展現
  • Family Day活動,邀請勤業眾信的親朋好友一同參加
  • 其他活動
  1. 尾牙聚餐摸彩
  2. 忙季慶功活動、舞會
  3. 校外聯誼球類比賽
  4. 新春開工日活動
  5. 客戶產品團購優惠信息

