Business Development Associate

Decrypt Complexity


We are looking for a Business Development Associate to help drive our business. You will support the business development manager to attract new clients and build solid relationships while maintaining existing relationships. Other duties include market research, developing business strategies and pitches, managing a variety of projects, and identifying new business opportunities. You will work with various departments and will report to the Head of Business Development.

The successful applicant will be resourceful, organized, and motivated to bring in leads for sales growth. Additionally, you should feel comfortable working with C-level executives.


  • Be willing to familiarize yourself with InQuartik's vision and mission, seeking to accomplish set goals and objectives.
  • Conduct market research and identify potential partners, affiliates, and any other opportunities in current or new segments.
  • Cultivate strong relationships with new clients while maintaining existing client relationships.
  • Collate and maintain client information and track the results of our portfolio of partners.
  • Work closely with staff across different departments to implement growth strategies.
  • Assist with drafting business plans, sales pitches, presentations, reference materials, and other documents as required.
  • Be able to manage multiple projects concurrently and meet deadlines.
  • Identify new business opportunities and partners.
  • Demonstrate strong interpersonal skills with the ability to engage effectively with various levels of management, staff, and partners.


  • Bachelor's Degree in Business Management, Marketing, or related field.
  • 1 - 2 years' relevant work experience in business development or similar field preferred.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Ability to handle multiple projects simultaneously and work under pressure.
  • Strong organization and project management skills.
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office, especially Excel.







  • 彈性上下班:上下班彈性外加一個半小時午休, 讓您自由調整作息時段,每天上班都是最佳狀態!
  • 零食與飲料:隨手可得的零食飲料,還有一元零食彩蛋! 
  • 免費晚餐應援:靈感正熱不想暫停?沒問題! 每週一到四,我們提供免費晚餐給加班的同仁,省去您外出吃飯的困擾,更專注於手頭工作。
  • 學習發展:專業與技術課程的學習及費用補助,幫助你強人一等!
  • 各式津貼與聚餐:三節贈送貼心禮品或禮金,不論是結婚、生育、生病慰問、喪葬慰問,都有津貼與補助,當然還有不可少的每季歡樂部門聚餐、專案達成聚餐、年終尾牙大餐與精彩抽獎。
  • 社團補助玩起來:愛吃、愛玩、愛運動? 沒問題!孚創雲端有各式社團,還補助社團參加費用,歡迎多才多藝的您加入,一起認真工作、用力玩!
  • 舒適辦公環境:明亮開放的舒適空間,B1有健身房,鼓勵大家保持運動習慣,維持身體健康!
  • 定期身心refresh:InQuartik重視每位員工的健康,故在試用期通過後, 可選擇價值一萬元的健康檢查或者旅遊補助,讓您放心充電,後顧無虞。
  • 季得休假 記得休假:不想苦等特休?沒問題!自到職日起算,每季都能得到特休,鼓勵你努力工作之餘也要記得好好休假!
  • 舒舒服服的過生日:想過個舒適愜意的生日?沒問題! 在生日當天,可選擇窩在家裡遠端工作(Work From Home),泡杯咖啡放點音樂,免去通勤困擾,享受步調自由的一天。
  • BYOD補助:孚創雲端的協作工具相容性高、規格要求少,可自由選擇採行Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) 方案,選擇此方案同仁每年均可取得軟硬體升級的額外津貼。
  • 人才推薦獎金:鼓勵內部人員推薦,為InQuartik找到更多優質的國內、外好夥伴。
  • 綜合型薪酬制度:提供優異的整體薪酬,除高於業界之薪資水準與獎金外,我們更重視與一同創業打拼的夥伴共享奮鬥果實,有條件優渥之股票選擇權,讓熱情投入的夥伴打造自己的事業舞台,成為創業股東,共同分享經營利潤。
  • 交通便捷:位處西湖捷運站,交通便捷,公司也提供所有同仁免費機車位,經理職以上汽車位。
  • Work Anaywhere 環境:我們提供work from home, work anywhere 的友善環境,讓有需求的同仁可隨時透過即時視訊與線上協作,達成最有效率的產出。
  • 全球合作夥伴:InQuartik隸屬的YWSMI集團由各國專利、法律、交易和併購菁英組成,集團據點包含洛杉磯、華盛頓特區、東京、大阪、深圳等。 只要業務上有需求,您可隨時和各地專業夥伴聯繫,取得最即時與深入的在地營運資訊。

