People Operations - HCM Specialist

Decrypt Complexity


- Participate in implementation of HCM* system, support or host relevant training and workshops.
- Collect and convert business requirements into functional and technical requests.
- Identify system performance gaps, and develop and implement solutions.
- Analyze, troubleshoot, and resolve complex issues reported by end-users via research, testing and scenario re-creation.
- Develop testing plans and project plans for upgrades/new functionality.
- Write end-user documentation and quick guides.
- Other People Operations duties as assigned.

*HCM stands for Human Capital Management


Minimum qualifications:
- Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience.
- 3-5 years working experience in the software industry or Human resource field.
- 3-5 years in a partner-facing role (e.g., Customer Service, Sales, Consulting).
- General knowledge of project plans.
- Be able to work with little supervision.
- Be able to communicate with all-level employees and external stakeholders
- Ability to understand technology quickly through given instructions and self-directed learning.
- Organized and detailed-oriented.

Preferred qualifications
- Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Information Management.
- Experience in the full-function Human Resources services.
- Strong performance in a position with a focus on analytical thinking and sophisticated communication skills.





  • 彈性上下班:上下班彈性外加一個半小時午休, 讓您自由調整作息時段,每天上班都是最佳狀態!
  • 零食與飲料:隨手可得的零食飲料,還有一元零食彩蛋! 
  • 免費晚餐應援:靈感正熱不想暫停?沒問題! 每週一到四,我們提供免費晚餐給加班的同仁,省去您外出吃飯的困擾,更專注於手頭工作。
  • 學習發展:專業與技術課程的學習及費用補助,幫助你強人一等!
  • 各式津貼與聚餐:三節贈送貼心禮品或禮金,不論是結婚、生育、生病慰問、喪葬慰問,都有津貼與補助,當然還有不可少的每季歡樂部門聚餐、專案達成聚餐、年終尾牙大餐與精彩抽獎。
  • 社團補助玩起來:愛吃、愛玩、愛運動? 沒問題!孚創雲端有各式社團,還補助社團參加費用,歡迎多才多藝的您加入,一起認真工作、用力玩!
  • 舒適辦公環境:明亮開放的舒適空間,B1有健身房,鼓勵大家保持運動習慣,維持身體健康!
  • 定期身心refresh:InQuartik重視每位員工的健康,故在試用期通過後, 可選擇價值一萬元的健康檢查或者旅遊補助,讓您放心充電,後顧無虞。
  • 季得休假 記得休假:不想苦等特休?沒問題!自到職日起算,每季都能得到特休,鼓勵你努力工作之餘也要記得好好休假!
  • 舒舒服服的過生日:想過個舒適愜意的生日?沒問題! 在生日當天,可選擇窩在家裡遠端工作(Work From Home),泡杯咖啡放點音樂,免去通勤困擾,享受步調自由的一天。
  • BYOD補助:孚創雲端的協作工具相容性高、規格要求少,可自由選擇採行Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) 方案,選擇此方案同仁每年均可取得軟硬體升級的額外津貼。
  • 人才推薦獎金:鼓勵內部人員推薦,為InQuartik找到更多優質的國內、外好夥伴。
  • 綜合型薪酬制度:提供優異的整體薪酬,除高於業界之薪資水準與獎金外,我們更重視與一同創業打拼的夥伴共享奮鬥果實,有條件優渥之股票選擇權,讓熱情投入的夥伴打造自己的事業舞台,成為創業股東,共同分享經營利潤。
  • 交通便捷:位處西湖捷運站,交通便捷,公司也提供所有同仁免費機車位,經理職以上汽車位。
  • Work Anaywhere 環境:我們提供work from home, work anywhere 的友善環境,讓有需求的同仁可隨時透過即時視訊與線上協作,達成最有效率的產出。
  • 全球合作夥伴:InQuartik隸屬的YWSMI集團由各國專利、法律、交易和併購菁英組成,集團據點包含洛杉磯、華盛頓特區、東京、大阪、深圳等。 只要業務上有需求,您可隨時和各地專業夥伴聯繫,取得最即時與深入的在地營運資訊。


NT$ 50,000 - 80,000 (月薪)