
如果你是願意學習成長成為全端工程師的人才,如果你想挑戰億級訊息量的系統技術架構,如果你想參與大數據及AI發展從0到1的建置,加入電子豹!我們是 AppWorks 之初創投所投資的Martech 行銷科技新創,也是成長中的小團隊。在我們日常工作中,除了寫 Code,我們還會需要一起思考軟體架構、寫測試、Code Review、參與 CI/CD 及負責 Site Reliability 等 DevOps 相關工作。高知識強度的工作日常,還有充滿挑戰的業務成長量,可以在滿足妳/你所需薪資的前提之下,最大化你的職涯成長。


System include

  • SPA for frontends, microservice architecture base on Kubernetes and serverless, SQL & NoSQL databases…
  • All kinds of major Amazon Web Services such as, EKS, S3, API Gateway, SQS, RDS, ElasticSearch, ElasticCache, Lambda, EMR, CDK……

Responsibilities include

  • Working to build a messaging system for sending 10M messages a hour and handling 5x number of event streams return back from those messages.
  • Collaborating with the product manager and designers to bring ideas to life.
  • Developing new features.
  • Improving code quality through refectorying, all kinds of tests and code reviews.
  • Improving and maintaining the CI/CD environment that supports stable & agile development.

Main Technologies Utilized
Java, JavaScript, Python, Spring, gRPC, Kubernetes, HBase, Phoenix, MySQL, Redis, ElasticSearch, Git etc.



  1. 4+ years of professional experience of software engineering is required
  2. Expert level of Java or at least one programming language is required
  3. Familliar with data structure and algorithms
  4. Professional knowledge of Git is required
  5. Fundamental knowledge of memory, processes, threads, and their relation to programming
  6. Fundamental knowledge of network technology (e.g. TCP/UDP, HTTP, etc.), databases, and SQL
  7. Experience of functional programming


  • Professional knowledge of HBase, Phoenix & Elastic Search
  • Experience in web frontend development using Angular 2.x or above
  • Experience with any kind of CI/CD tools, such as AWS CloudFormation, Ansible, etc.
  • Experience with development/operation of systems with big volume of data and traffic
  • Experience with development/operation of Email or any messaging systems
  • A history of active participation in the Open Source community



一次與二次面試可以遠端進行、只有最後一關需要 Onsite


目前公司預計遠端工作至疫情緩和, 未來也可能走全遠端





有形的福利公司習慣以薪資的方式直接提供,無形的福利是公司會持續透過各種形式不管是時間或是金錢或是人脈各種資源投資在員工的成長上,甚至我們找進來的人都要能教我們不懂的事,因為員工能成長公司才會進步,才能提供客戶更好的服務。最好的工作環境就是有一群超級棒的同事,我們花很大力氣只選擇符合我們價值觀及企業文化的人,這才是最棒的福利。 最基本的福利如下: - 年終獎金 - 三節獎金/禮品 - 勞保健保 - 週休二日 - 個人電腦,螢幕全額補助 - 外部課程研討會全額補助 - 健康檢查補助 (年資一年以上,一年補助一次)


NT$ 900,000 - 1,500,000 (年薪)