Product Designer 產品設計師


As a Product designer, you work with a ambitious team trying new product and business model. As the project is still in early stage, we need our team member to be versatile and good at communication since we need move and adjust at the same time. You will be in charge of:

1. Design the UI flow and flow chart.
2. Design the interface of product.
3. Doing test and with systematic suggestions.
4. Discussing with the team during product developing window.

1. 進行 UI Flow 及 Flow chart 設計
2. 設計使用者介面及建立產品整體風格與介面規範
3. 進行產品測試與需求釐清,提出解決方案
4. 與前後端工程師協作開發


To excel this position, you will need:
1. 3+ years experience in product design.
2. Be familiar with creating wireframe.
3. Good at using Sketch, Photoshop & Illustrator.

It will be nice if you also have:
1. Like to take challenges.
2. Joined a startup or internet company before.
3. Passionate about social media or new technology.

1. 3 年以上 Web 產品設計相關經驗
2. 熟悉設計 Wireframe
3. 擅長使用 Sketch, Photoshop & Illustrator 相關設計工具
4. 擅長模擬使用者情境,發掘用戶潛在問題

1. 對於前後端開發有基本了解
2. 加入新創公司或網路軟體公司經驗
3. 解決問題能力及挑戰精神
4. 對 Social Media 及探索新穎技術有極大熱忱
5. 熱衷了解網路平台設計與技術趨勢






- 彈性上下班時間
- 優於勞基法休假制度
- 舒適無壓的工作環境,發揮想法不受限
- 順暢溝通管道,只要你發聲我們都會用心傾聽

