【日商樂天】Senior Java Developer (DU)

Job Description


1. Collaborating with product team to refine requirements
2. Engaging in technical design, implementing new features as well as conducting code reviews
3. Refactoring legacy code and managing live system migrations
4. Working with quality and infrastructure teams across various overseas locations
5. Monitoring and troubleshooting live systems


1. At least 2 years of experience with Java and relational databases.
2. Familiarity with the Spring Framework.
3. Proficient in written and verbal English in a workplace setting
4. Comfortable in development in Linux environment

Preferred Qualifications

【Bonus Points】
1. Experienced in refactoring and migration of large-scale legacy systems
2. Fundamental understanding of Docker, Kubernetes, or similar technologies
3. Experience with Redis, RabbitMQ, Junit and MyBatis


Welfares by law


Other benefits

• 2022幸福企業-金獎
• 2021幸福企業-金獎
• 2020HR Asia Awards
• 壽星最大,生日當月爽放生日假一天
• 到職第一年就享有8天特休假 (依到職比例計算,第2年起11天,當年度休不完還可以延到隔年底)
• 自選式福利補助金每年一萬元,讓你彈性選擇使用樂天的服務
• 員工認股計畫,陪著樂天一起成長
• 完善的公司內、外教育訓練課程及海外受訓機會
• 參與跨國專案或國外研討會,培養國際化歷練
• 全球樂天賞機制,獲獎送你免費遊日本
• 年度員工健康檢查,您的健康是樂天最大的幸福
• 飲料/零食販賣機,再忙也會陪你喝杯咖啡
• 辦公室樂活舒壓按摩服務
• 全額補助團保,讓您無後顧之憂

Salary Range

Negotiable (Above 40K TWD)