
▋Job Summary 

We are looking for applicants with technological core competence, and the ability to understand and fully grasp the development process of complex systems (especially blockchain or network-related applications). Our ideal candidates are experienced in design, maintain, audit and improve systems to meet particular needs. Candidates must be familiar with systems planning, who can fully instruct and assist the technical team in system development and maintenance. 



▋Minimum Qualifications

1. Experience
• Bachelor’s or advanced degree in CS, EE, or equivalent knowledge and skills. 
• Experience in planning and executing software projects.
• 5+ years of experience in software or equivalent experience (including academic projects, research projects or internship experience) 

2. Skills
• Strong analytical and reasoning skills.
• Extensive practical experience and profound knowledge of Python 3 with deep understanding of software engineering best practices.
• Familiarity with Linux environments, networking knowledge, object-oriented design, and multi-threaded (asynchronous) programming.
• Ability to analyze and design software architecture, especially for web service platforms, improving their usability, reliability, and scalability in order to promote modern, robust, and secure designs.
• Ability to create well-documented code and communicate effectively on technical subjects to improve operational processes and documentation.
• Ability to evaluate software architectures for modifiability and other qualities.

3. Mindset
• Familiarity and willingness to conduct in-depth research on related areas.
• Strong security mindset.
• Willingness to share knowledge within teams and participate in discussions.
Familiarity and willingness to self-manage and self-educate.






• Knowledge of common algorithms, data structures, computational and memory complexities and skill of system performance and architecture optimization.
• Experience in security auditing and fuzzing.
• An understanding and appreciation of observability tools for alarming, diagnostic and forensic use cases.
• Experience in cryptography / highload / protocols design.
Experience in leading teams, technical consultants or technical educators.

You will work closely with the team leader, engineers, and researchers to design, improve the features, performance, reliability, flexibility, and throughput of our Blockchain-related products, especially for the backend.
We work primarily on the Blockchain ecosystem, but prior experience with Blockchain is not mandatory.

1. 投遞履歷
2. 完成我們於回信中提供的線上測驗題
3. 進行技術線上面試
4. 進行人資面試討論向性與薪酬

無論我們決定在哪個階段停止/完成面試的流程,我們都會於 ** 兩週內 ** 回信告知我們的決定。若逾兩週仍未收到我們的回覆,請不吝來信告知我們以免我們遺漏了您的來函!









• 我們提供優於業界水準的薪資+績效獎金
• 入職即享有每年 15 天特休
• 每年全薪病假 10 天,半薪病假 20 天

• 全新完工台北 101 辦公室
• 每人配備高規 Macbook或Windows高規筆電
• 技術及研究團隊部分遠端工作、彈性工時,讓你靈活調配工作與生活
• 滿滿零食櫃,Nespresso膠囊咖啡機

• 每人配備升降桌及人體工學椅
• 桌球桌
• 隔音倉電話亭 
• 每日 UberEats 免費豐盛午餐

• 不定期舉辦讀書會/研討會,與內外部產業高手交流
• 外部進修課程補助費


• 通勤車資補助

• 運動健身補助

• 不定期夥伴聚餐、下午茶、慶生會

• 各大節慶派對,慶生會、萬聖節、跨年、尾牙派對

• 各類球類運動,辦公室桌球

• 其他Team building活動,密室逃脫、桌遊、電影日、雷射槍戰、射箭競賽、KTV歡唱、脫口秀、象山闖關賽、辦公室椅子龍舟賽等

• 特殊節日前夕視情況提前下班

• 年度健康檢查

• 團體保險



NT$ 2,000,000 - 4,000,000 (年薪)