Growth Product Manager

Synology 以台灣自有品牌行銷全球一百多個國家,並隨業務發展在歐洲、美洲、亞太等地區設有六個分公司,總共有近千名全職員工。在 Synology,我們專注把科技帶給有需要的人們,也希望招募擁有相同願景的優秀人才。加入我們,您將有機會在全球範圍發揮所長,與我們一起透過創新科技,讓世界更有效率


Almost all organizations today rely on one or more cloud-based SaaS solutions to fulfill IT requirements. Synology has two decades of experience creating class-leading products across storage, backup, networking, and surveillance industries, and we're now putting that expertise into hybrid cloud and cloud native solutions. Synology’s Cloud Product Management Team is the primary conduit bridging development, marketing, sales, and others together. We analyze then align the direction of development with the needs of the market. We break down complex problems into steps to drive product development forward.


Our users range from casual home users to enterprises that serve millions of users. Your responsibility is to build growth product experiences and infrastructure to grow business internationally. You will own the strategy and execution of key growth product initiatives focused on unlocking remarkable experiences for our global audience. You will drive strong decision-marketing through quantitative results, AB testing, qualitative research, and customer insights.

You will:
- Work with cross-functional teams from around the world to develop a marketing/channel strategy for growth success and identify business priorities
- Work with marketing teams on collateral for global markets
- Leverage engagement capabilities to reach millions of customers based on targeted, segmented approaches
- Make product decisions with quantitative and qualitative data on user behavior, user feedback, and market research, including A/B testing, survey data, etc
- Manage and maintain the relationship with local channel partners
- Accountable for consumption, adoption and renewal and churn improvement goals


You are expected to have:
- Bachelor’s or advanced degree in business, marketing, or technical fields preferred
- 3+ years of industry experience or 2+ years of related experience
- Strong leadership skills and executive presence
- Adaptability and flexibility required for changing business environments

We're targeting candidates with:
- Prior experience as a marketing manager, growth product manager/marketer, product marketing manager, or digital customer success manager
- Experience in building successful multi-channel SaaS engagement and adoption digital campaigns
- Knowledge in identity, security, access management, backup, and other developer-facing products


Please visit our career portal to apply for this position:









  1. 年度獎勵獎金
  2. 三節(端午、中秋、年終)獎金


  1. 勞保
  2. 健保
  3. 勞工退休金提撥
  4. 出差平安保險與醫療險


  1. 社團活動
  2. 免費飲品、新鮮水果與點心
  3. 公益活動舉辦


  1. 伙食津貼
  2. 教育訓練
  3. 工作學習組織
  4. 順暢的升遷管道

請 / 休假制度

  1. 預給特休假
  2. 一年15天不扣薪病假


  1. 健康檢查
  2. 每周舒壓按摩
  3. 免費機車位提供

