Product Specialist (Software Product)

Synology 以台灣自有品牌行銷全球一百多個國家,並隨業務發展在歐洲、美洲、亞太等地區設有六個分公司,總共有近千名全職員工。在 Synology,我們專注把科技帶給有需要的人們,也希望招募擁有相同願景的優秀人才。加入我們,您將有機會在全球範圍發揮所長,與我們一起透過創新科技,讓世界更有效率

Job Description

Today’s world runs on and generates an almost unthinkable amount of data each second. Businesses of all sizes and every person contributes to this new form of global currency. Our NAS, IPSAN, networking, and surveillance solutions greatly simplify traditionally complex IT problems. Synology’s Product Management Team is the primary conduit bridging development, marketing, sales, and others together. We analyze then align the direction of development with the needs of the market. We break down complex problems into steps to drive product development forward.

Our solutions are used by millions of users out in the world, ranging from casual home users to enterprises that serve millions of users. Your responsibility is to understand how they may use our products, come up with ways to improve upon functionality and usage experience, and see through the execution of your proposal. Most of the time you’ll be working with engineering as you refine roadmaps and project proposals. As the project matures, you’ll move in to support our customer facing teams so ensure accurate message delivery. 

You’ll fit right in if these describe you:
- You like challenges. 
Some projects are difficult because of certain reasons, such as needing to support legacy clients, or due to a very specific business concern. You need to understand, resolve them, or work around these roadblocks.
- You are creative.
Do you think you can do something better? Draft up a presentation, draw wireframes, and prepare that proposal! Synology is open to new ideas, regardless of which project you’re assigned to. If you have an idea, we’re all ears.
- You find motivation and pride in your projects. 
You’ll do whatever it takes to make sure your project shines, whether that means thinking out of the box or drafting up plans or SOPs that aren’t usually your responsibilities.
- You are a problem solver at heart. 
You often spot potential problems or issues and work to resolve them, even before they happen.
- You are a great communicator.
You work well with others, especially on large projects spanning multiple teams. You know when to compromise and settle for something different from what you originally had in mind. 
- You aren’t afraid of failure. 
Failure is what propels us forward. Even the brightest, most-successful people fail sometimes. When failure occurs, you can quickly brush it off, learn from it, and just keep going.


You are expected to have:
- Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience
- Experience in building or using multi-drive storage devices/enclosures, such as FreeNAS DIY boxes, Thunderbolt DAS units, or other NAS or SAN devices

Remote type

Hybrid Interview

只有最後一關需要 Onsite


Welfares by law


Other benefits


- 三節獎金(中秋、端午、年終)
- 績效獎金
- 留任金

- 彈性上下班時間
- 一年 15 天不扣薪病假
- 婚喪喜慶補助
- 貼心、舒適的哺乳室
- 明亮寬敞的員工休息室
- 免費早餐、下午茶
- 備有當季新鮮水果、零食、飲料與咖啡
- 免費機車位

- 年度健康檢查
- 按摩師每周駐點服務
- 專責護理師推動健康促進
- 不定期健康講座、醫師健康諮詢服務

- 享優惠價格選購公司產品
- 多元的社團活動
- 讀書會與教育訓練
- 不定時舉辦攜眷之員工活動

Salary Range

Negotiable (Above 40K TWD)