


「你今天閱了嗎?」 我們是閱部客,是一群創作者也是教育家,幫助你解決自主學習會遇到的難題,從內而外建立一個更友好的線上學習環境,並專注於簡化知識吸收的過程,讓每位學員都能更輕鬆、開心的學習。

加入閱部客,與我們共同關注「人生 x 學習 x 價值」 讓生活更聰明、生命更精彩!

作為我們公司的區塊鏈研究企劃,您將成為我們最重要的一員,負責研究和開發區塊鏈相關產品和解決方案。在這個角色中,您需要擁有區塊鏈技術、業務和市場方面的深入理解,以便分析區塊鏈趨勢、智能合約等相關項目的開發和研究工作。因此需要在構建分散式應用程序和區塊鏈平臺方面具有豐富的經驗和知識,包括 Solidity 或其他語言的開發、智能合約的部署、區塊鏈節點的運營等。


1. 區塊鏈技術知識:作為區塊鏈研究企劃,您需要了解區塊鏈技術的相關知識。您需要瞭解區塊鏈的基本概念、區塊鏈的工作原理、區塊鏈的安全性等方面的知識。此外,對於智能合約、項目等區塊鏈相關應用有一定的了解。

2. 市場研究能力:您需要具備一定的市場研究能力,了解行業動態和市場趨勢並提出符合公司發展戰略的建議和計劃。

3. 項目管理能力:作為區塊鏈研究企劃,您需要具備一定的項目管理能力。您需要負責制定項目計劃、優化項目流程、跟進項目進展情況等。此外,您需要與團隊成員協調合作,推動項目的順利進行。

4. 英語能力:英語是區塊鏈相關領域的國際通用語言,因此您需要具備良好的英語能力,能夠閱讀和理解相關技術文獻、報告及發表演講。此外,您還需要具備良好的英語書寫能力,能夠撰寫英文報告和文檔。


1. Passion for blockchain technology: As a blockchain research planner, it is important to have a genuine interest and passion for the field of blockchain technology. This includes keeping up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in the industry, attending conferences and events, and actively seeking out opportunities to expand your knowledge and expertise.

2. Critical thinking skills: In order to excel in this role, you will need to possess strong critical thinking skills. This means being able to analyze complex data and information, identify key trends and patterns, and develop innovative solutions to meet the needs of the company and its clients.

3. Project management certification: Having a project management certification such as PMP or PRINCE2 can be a valuable asset in this role. It demonstrates your ability to effectively manage projects, lead teams, and ensure successful project outcomes.

4. Understanding of legal regulations: With blockchain technology being a relatively new and rapidly evolving field, it is important to possess a basic understanding of the legal and regulatory landscape surrounding it. This includes knowledge of laws related to data privacy, intellectual property rights, and financial regulations.

5. Experience in a startup environment: Experience working in a fast-paced, dynamic startup environment can be highly beneficial in this role. Startups require individuals who are adaptable, flexible, and able to work collaboratively with team members to achieve shared goals.

6. Strong interpersonal skills: As a blockchain research planner, you will need to interact with a diverse range of stakeholders, including clients, team members, and external partners. Therefore, strong interpersonal skills such as effective communication, active listening, and empathy are crucial for success in this role.





  1. 全自動生長的零食,不怕你吃,就怕你餓。
  2. 書非常多,絕對不怕你看,每個月都會更新許多書,讓你看好看滿。
  3. 每月舉辦公司團建,吃吃喝喝都由公司買單!(舉辦過:Switch大亂鬥、羽球賽、品酒等活動。)

