SurveyCake Marketing Intern 海外市場行銷實習生(日本市場)


Job Description

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▍Job Description  

Supported by our recent achievement of securing $3 million in Series A funding, SurveyCake is aiming to tap into global markets, particularly in Japan and Southeast Asia. As we expand our market overseas, your role will be instrumental in driving brand awareness, establishing our presence in new markets and ensuring the success of our overseas partners through a strategic blend of paid media, owned media, and search engine optimization (SEO). You will also collaborate closely with our international partners to drive their marketing success.

At SurveyCake, we prioritize a data-driven approach, and as a member of our team, you will have the opportunity to gain valuable experience in not only executing, but monitoring campaign performance and conducting insightful analysis. We believe in continuous learning and encourage you to enhance your skills and knowledge in the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape.


  • Create or translate engaging and persuasive content, specifically tailored to target audiences in the new markets.

  • Conduct comprehensive market research to identify key trends, customer behaviors, and competitive landscape in the targeted markets.

  • Collaborate with international partners to ensure seamless coordination, provide them with marketing materials, guidance, and support to enhance their marketing campaigns and achieve their business goals.

  • Track and report on key marketing metrics, including progress in Japan and Southeast Asia, providing actionable recommendations for continuous improvement.



  • Native or proficient in Japanese, fluent in either English or Chinese. 

  • Proven working experience in the digital marketing industry, with a strong understanding of various marketing channels and tactics.

  • Experience working with Japan market particularly.

▍Preferred Skills

  • Adaptable to fast-changing digital marketing and internet industry landscapes.

  • Proficiency in utilizing MarTech tools such as Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Zapier, or AI tools to optimize and increase efficiency, ensuring maximum impact and return on investment.

  • Passionate about SaaS/software products and the ability to effectively communicate their value propositions.

  • Curiosity and eagerness to learn, with a logical and detail-oriented mindset.

▍實習期間 / 排班天數:

  • 到職日起算至少半年 
  • 一週能排班 2-5 天

    【 若無收到面試邀約者, HR 後續將不另行通知!如有進一步通知都會以 Email 聯繫,不論面試結果如何都會予以回覆唷!】

Remote type

Hybrid Interview
Hybrid Job


Welfares by law


Other benefits


-Remote Friendly,彈性選擇喜歡的工作模式,不受地點、通勤限制且達到生活工作平衡點!
- 彈性工作時間,每日工作八小時(含午餐時間)
- 12 天年假,未滿一年依比例計算,每滿 1 年加 1 天
- 免費零食飲料咖啡氣泡水
- 一年兩次海內外員工旅遊
- 電影之夜,每季一次
- 不定期舉辦 Workshop,課程內容開放大家提議
- 社團活動與不定期 Teambuilding 活動
- 運動 / 健身補助
- 全身健康檢查補助
- Keep Learning Project,鼓勵自主學習,包含購買書籍、課程等皆可申請補助
- 尾牙不用表演,專心享用美食即可
- 充分享受在 Spotify 音樂與垃圾話穿插夾雜的團隊樂趣


- 時薪:$190,之後視實際能力與貢獻增加
- 彈性工作時間、實習周數與每週上班天數
- 免費零食飲料咖啡氣泡水
- 電影之夜,每季一次
- 不定期舉辦 Workshop,課程內容開放大家提議
- 社團活動與不定期 Teambuilding 活動
- 運動 / 健身補助
- 充分享受在 Spotify 音樂與垃圾話穿插夾雜的團隊樂趣
- 接觸各領域的領導品牌客戶,參與超過上萬人使用的產品專案
- 實習期間表現優異,我們將誠摯地歡迎您成為我們的正職夥伴


- 一流的網路新創公司工作環境
- 每人配備大桌面 與 23" DELL 螢幕
- 正職員工提供 Mac 公司機
- 面對臺北城景整排落地玻璃
- 餐桌與吧檯。
- 沙發、休閒區、55" 4K + APPLE TV 4K、150" 4K 投影機
- 獨立會議室、創意牆

📍 25sprout 保有上述修改之權利

Salary Range

NT$ 190 - 190 (Hourly Salary)