[新] B2B Content Marketing Specialist

Super 8 雲發互動科技



Our high-energy enterprise SaaS startup is launching to the world and we are seeking a Lead Generation Specialist with a growth-hacker mentality and excellent content marketing skills. We want someone who is half a Marketing Scientist and half Marketing Artist; we need great stories to build on unique data to help introduce our product to the world. We need a missionary, not a mercenary.

Working with our CEO, you will drive demand and help build our customer base through data-driven experiments, content marketing and account-based strategies for our various personae.

SUPER8’s mission is to empower SMB brands to understand customers and the market better, improve conversion rates, retain customers to establish long-term relationships, and reduce customer service problems by Big Data and Artificial Intelligence.

In this role, you’ll join a committed team of technologists and professional salespeople bringing to market a revolutionary product that will unite an industry through streamlined communication.

Location: This role is on-site in the Taipei City Neihu area, one of the most desirable parts of the Start-up community. Occasional travel for events may be required.

Responsibilities and opportunities for this role
*Organize Lead account-based marketing plans and system aligned with business and account-specific strategies, industry focus areas, and client growth opportunities
*Create quarterly and yearly marketing campaigns to grow the customer base and tame churn rates by driving product adoption
*Proactively interface with Customer Success, SDR Sales, A.E and Product teams to coordinate, facilitate, and optimize the impact of marketing activities, collateral needed and ensure messaging is up-to-date
*Create content for and manage company social and blog accounts to drive inbound leads, develop thought leadership
*Develop and maintain profiles and key personas for target relationships that are monitored and tracked as part of KPIs and performance measurement
*Analyze user engagement data, identify actionable insights, and proactively engage based on insights; report regularly on KPIs



*Proven history driving demand for a SaaS software company.
*2+ years of account-based or similar B2B marketing experience at a SaaS company.
*2+ years of experience administering lead generation and CRM or something similar.
*2+ years experience using a modern marketing automation tool for campaigns, sequences and A/B testing.
*Content marketing and content creation experience preferred.
*Experience with event planning and on-site advertising at industry events and locations.
*Experience with Start-up company marketing preferred.
*Experience in growth-hacking and early-stage customer acquisition, marketing experimentation.

1. 對智慧科技產界具有熱情者
2. 具備撰寫深度文章內容之文案能力 ✎ https://blog.no8.io
3. 具備扮演各行各業用戶角色、假設運用情境、述說故事之能力
4. 具備企劃創意、令平凡成為經典行銷案之能力
5. 能針對客戶的回饋,思考出更有吸引力的推廣手法
6. 分享會及展覽規劃與執行
7. 操作時下網路社群媒體平台,進行 Facebook 粉絲頁、LINE@ 等社群行銷規劃與執行以及成效追蹤
8. 良好團隊合作及溝通協調能力

1. 擅長操作 Google AdWords、Google Analytics
2. 擅長使用 Google 簡報、Keynote、Microsoft PowerPoint 來製作簡報
3. 熟悉 Facebook 廣告操作模式









想找一間兼具設計人文,雲端技術與商業模式創新的公司,來 Super 8 就對了!

- 彈性工作時間
- 免費且無限補充的零食、咖啡、不定時下午茶 
- Employee Learning Project,鼓勵自主學習,包含購買書籍、課程等皆可申請補助 
- 尾牙不用表演,專心享用美食及拿大獎即可 
- 每人配備獨立桌面與 23" DELL 螢幕,正職員工亦提供 Mac 公司機 

