Senior Data Engineer 資料工程師

Alfred Systems Inc. (阿福管家)

最近更新於 2021-08-24


AlfredCamera is a mobile application which turns your old, unused smartphones into home security cameras. Alfred's mission is to provide accessible security for everyone. As the most trusted brand in this area, our apps have achieved more than 25M downloads with Android/iOS combined and manages to acquire exceptional user ratings on both platforms. We are determined to create the product with first-class user experiences together with best performance and stability.


【 Your Responsibility 】

- Collect data through third-party APIs and crawler.

- Design, develop, and maintain ETL data pipelines for collection, cleansing, processing, storage.

- Handle the data recovery, security, and monitoring status of data.  

【 三級防疫警戒期間,面試全程以線上方式進行 】


- BS or MS in CS / Mathematics / Statistics / Biostatistics / Finance / etc., relevant fields

- 2+ years experience as Business Data Engineer

- Solid programming skills in terms of a data engineer.

- Good communication, documentation skills.





- DBA experience would be a plus

- Familiar with heterogeneous databases.

- Familiar with database optimization.

- Familiar with sql-like and NoSQL databases.

- Familiar with programming on AWS and GCP; experience in using Athena, BigQuery, S3, and GCS.

- Familiar with Restful API; web front-end programming experience.

- Familiar with Linux programming environment and git.

- Familiar with writing specs of API and system analysis.





- 具競爭力的薪資水準、年終獎金與綜合績效獎金
- 彈性上下班時間,標準工時不加班!保持好體力好心情才走得長遠
- 工作首年即享有優於勞基法規定的 10 天特休假以及 5 天全薪醫療假 (可用於就醫或健檢),並逐年增加
- 提供員工免費團體保險,我們不止關心你的健康,還提供了最好的後盾

- 捷運台北101/世貿站步行 3 分鐘 (約 220 公尺),上班交通最方便
- 辦公室位於台北市信義區的商業大樓,皆為國際知名企業進駐
- 挑高3米6的人性化工作環境,採光良好大片窗景加上戶外陽台,前看陽明後望象山
- 開放式吧台與獨立工作區,適合夥伴放鬆交流或享受一個人的寧靜

- 工欲善其事,必先利其器。每位夥伴皆配備有新款 Macbook Pro 或 iMac,以及一台 24 吋螢幕
- 標配寬大辦公桌與人體工學椅,工作、休息都舒適自在
- 辦公室備有 3M 醫療級飲水系統及 Blueair 680i 空氣清淨機 (換氣效率 CADR 達 1087 立方公尺/每小時),呵護每位夥伴的健康

- 每週二、四中午提供由專業廚房製作的免費營養午餐
- 零食櫃與冰箱永遠有吃不完的零食與飲料
- Nespresso 膠囊咖啡與奶泡機

- 舉辦 Afternoon Party,可以享用美味下午茶、沉浸在微醺的 Happy Hour 裡
- Switch 對戰、趣味桌遊、Netflix 影劇馬拉松等活動任君挑選 ,讓夥伴們在工作之餘能夠放鬆身心、交流感情!

【 部分福利僅全職人員適用 】

