【TW】Product Designer 產品設計師

Crescendo Lab 漸強實驗室

最近更新於 2025-01-08



我們正在尋找有經驗的產品設計師,你將會加入跨國 B2B 新創團隊,在透明的文化、彈性的工作模式、自由的環境中和 PM、Engineer、Data team 合作打造深受市場肯定的 SaaS 產品。

身為產品設計師,你需要具備 end-to-end 的設計技能,從產品設計師的觀點來定義問題、釐清需求、研究用戶、發想概念、交付設計、迭代優化,在商業、產品策略、使用者、技術可行性的多角關係中驗證產品核心價值,並展現你的設計經驗與影響力。

此外,我們提供業界顧問諮詢,你可以每季與曾任 Microsoft 與 Meta 的 product lead 以及任職於 Google 的 Product designer 進行 1 on 1,深度設計探索、了解最新產業資訊、或是討論職涯發展。

漸強透過 MAAC(Messaging Analytics & Automation Cloud)與 CAAC(Conversation Analytics & Automation Cloud)一年發送超過 30 億則 LINE 訊息,發送量僅次中華電信;我們用惦惦吃三碗公的實力協助台灣、泰國、日本各大品牌建立與顧客的深度互動,並持續拓展多樣的訊息渠道,立志成為 No.1 Communication Cloud。

如果你對行銷科技(MarTech)躍躍欲試、有極大的產品設計熱忱、想一起打造優質 B2B SaaS 使用者體驗、對數據感到興奮、而且擁抱充滿挑戰的新創環境,漸強會是很棒的選擇,也將會帶給你超出想象的養分,期待並歡迎來與我們聊聊!

We are seeking an experienced product designer. You will be joining a B2B international startup team, collaborating with PM, Engineer team, and Data team in building a high-quality SaaS product that is highly acclaimed in the market. Our work environment promotes transparency culture, hybrid work mode, and a sense of freedom.

As a product designer, you will need to possess end-to-end design skills. Enjoy in problem-solving, open-minded to solution feedback, highly adaptive to design iteration and able to make informed design decisions that would maximize business, product, and users’ values. Additionally, showing your design influence.

In addition, we offer consultations where you can 1-on-1 each quarter with former product leads from Microsoft and Meta, as well as a Product Designer from Google. These sessions provide opportunities for in-depth design discussion, staying updated on the latest industry information, and focusing on your career.

Through MAAC (Messaging Analytics & Automation Cloud) and CAAC (Conversation Analytics & Automation Cloud), Crescendo Lab send over 3 billion LINE messages annually, ranking second in volume only to ChungHwa Telecom. With our substantial capabilities, we assist major brands in Taiwan, Thailand, and Japan in deeply connecting with their customers. We continuously expand multi-channels and aspire to become the No.1 Communication Cloud.

If you're eager to devote into MarTech, possess a strong passion for product design, want to create an excellent B2B SaaS user experience, feel enthusiastic about data, and embrace a challenging startup environment, Crescendo Lab is an excellent choice. We will provide you with resource beyond your imagination and look forward to talk with you!


  • 與 PM 共同釐清產品策略與價值,並透過設計加以驗證
  • 全程參與開發流程,與 Stakeholders、PM、Engineers、Data team、GTM team 密切合作,轉化模糊問題、數據與研究洞察,確保最終產品設計符合使用者需求、技術可行性與公司商業目標
  • 負責全端設計工作,從 Flow、Wireframe 到設計交付,為 UI/UX 把關
  • 善用各種溝通技巧與工具,清晰傳達設計理念並促進團隊討論以取得共識
  • 持續進行使用者研究與測試,進行設計假設與驗證,並與團隊共享 insights
  • 具備產品數據思維,利用資料證明設計提案可以提升用戶體驗,幫助使用者達成目標
  • 協助建構 Design System,對於設計一致性有極高的美感要求

As a product designer, you are going to:

  • Collaborate with the PM to clarify product strategy and value, and validate through design.
  • Work closely with stakeholders, product manager, engineers, data team, and go-to-market team to translate user stories, data insights, technical possibilities, business impacts, or vague issues into solid design solutions.
  • Be responsible for the end-to-end designs for user-friendly and high-quality product with clear context and goal-driven mindset.
  • Present ideas to team member and lead discussions then get staged consensus.
  • Continuously conduct user research and testing, validate design hypothesis, and share insights with the team.
  • Possess a data-driven product mindset, using data to demonstrate how your designs can enhance user experience and help user achieve their goals.
  • Assist in building the Design System with a high level of aesthetics.



  • 2 年以上產品設計經驗,經歷多元產業、領域、規模者為佳
  • 擅長 Figma 為主的 UI design 與 prototype 工具
  • 熟悉設計和開發流程、執行所有設計階段,將模糊的需求轉化為實際的解決方案
  • 能獨立進行使用者訪談和易用性測試
  • 享受解決問題的過程、善於批判性思考並渴望克服挑戰來實現設計、產品和商業目標
  • 具備獨立思考與決策能力,重視跨團隊合作
  • 曾經參與 Design system 建置
  • 擁有成熟的產品設計思維,總覺得有學不完的新知、想不完的靈感

We need someone who…

  • 2+ years of proven experience as a Product Designer. Various of industries or fields (including different company status and size) is a plus.
  • Proficient with design and prototyping tools, especially Figma.
  • Familiar with the design and development process, executed all design phases to transfer vague requirement into inspired, solid design solutions.
  • Have ability of hosting an user research and usability testing independently.
  • Enjoy problem solving with critical thinking and desire to overcome challenges for achieving design, product, and business goal.
  • Independent but also a good team player.
  • Experienced in Design System.
  • Matured design thinking and product mindset. Eager to learn new skills and has lots of creative ideas!



  • 具備行銷、電商相關產業或 2B 產品的工作經驗或有高度興趣
  • 能獨立帶領團隊發想、設計討論或舉行工作營
  • 有國際化產品的實務經驗(i18n, l10n),勇於接受多語系的挑戰
  • 對台灣、泰國、日本的行銷與溝通文化有獨到的見解
  • 具備流利的英文溝通能力

It’d be nice if you have:

  • Highly interested or experienced in 2B product, digital marketing, or EC relating industry.
  • Ability of conducting a brainstorming, design crit, and workshop.
  • Experience with international products (i18n, l10n)
  • Have a deep understanding of one of the countries’ communication cultures or industry peculiarities, such as the Taiwan, Japan or Thailand.
  • Fluent English speaking and writing.





  ◎ 安心保障 

  • 法定保障-勞保、健保、勞退提撥 

◎ 彈性工作環境 

  • 小巨蛋站步行 8分鐘,上下班交通方便 
  • 彈性上下班時間
  • 採混合辦公(hybrid) ,一週進辦兩天,以配合團隊會議為主
  • 開放式工作空間,你可以選擇在任何舒適的角落工作 

◎ 公司文化 

  • 年輕團隊,扁平組織,去官僚化的快速溝通 
  • 互相包容尊重、講求效率與信任 
  • 所有的意見都會被重視,一起學習成長 

◎ 福利制度 

  • 到職即享有無期限休假,只要工作能完成,連休沒有上限!(所有假別皆不扣薪) 
  • 公司提供高規的 MAC 筆電 
  • 每個月零食櫃更新,還有各式咖啡、茶,隨時補充能量  
  • 每週免費按摩,放鬆緊繃身體 
  • 定期舉辦Team Building活動,一起同樂去
  • 每年健檢、心理諮商及物理治療補助,員工眷屬享有優惠價

◎ 進修機會 

  • 公司補助參加 Workshop 或進修課程,讓你學習到業界最新的知識 
  • 不定期的業界人士內部分享,讓你了解業界的的最新脈動 (之前請過北美 Google,矽谷工程來、大數據工程師來分享業界最新動態) 
  • 更多詳情請閱讀公司部落格:http://bit.ly/2JX3vnO


NT$ 800,000 - 1,100,000 (年薪)