產品測試實習生 (Product QA Intern)



‧ Testing web-based and mobile app software
‧ Creating documentation of software bugs, functional requirements, and process flows
‧ Reviewing and reproducing consumer-reported issues
‧ Writing detailed reproduction steps for the development team
‧ Verifying browser and operating system compatibility
‧ Ensuring that software follows documented requirements
‧ Reviewing software for user experience, usability, and accessibility improvements
‧ Communicating with UX, Project Management, and Software Development Teams
‧ Attending meetings with Product team
‧ Learning about and following Agile best practices


The position requires excellent attention to detail, clear and precise writing skills, a strong desire to learn, and an empathetic and collaborative spirit.
You will be working with and learning from senior team members in these subject areas:
‧ Quality Assurance
‧ User Experience Design
‧ The Software Development Lifecycle
‧ Agile Methodology & Best Practices
‧ The Agency Environment

This position is open to anyone and you do not need to have previous experience. That being said, this may be a good fit for students studying Software Engineering, Information Technology and Information Management.





- 所有夥伴共享福利 -

‧ 開放式辦公環境:讓你辦公不孤單,用最快速度融入團隊。
‧ 無限補充的零食櫃:上班上到頭腦放空?但肚子絕對不能跟著空!
‧ 辦公室時不時可以捕捉到野生的網美、模特兒、小鮮肉,提供員工除了看螢幕之外的另一種選擇。
‧ 站在台北吃喝玩樂的最前線,走在時尚最最最前端。
‧ 所有加入的團隊夥伴,可以擁有專業攝影師拍攝的 FunNow 個人照,讓你在 LinkedIn、FB、LINE 等通路煥然一新。

- 正職夥伴升級福利 -

‧ 年假 7 天 + FUN 假 7 天:希望你充電充到飽,上班少煩惱~
‧ 彈性工作時間:work-life balance,讓有家庭照顧需求的夥伴能安心上下班。
‧ 編列每年外部教育訓練預算:協助你把技能學好學滿,不用越級打怪~
‧ 每個月發放兩千元福利金,讓你下班後開始煩惱今天到底要按摩紓壓、美容美甲、飽餐一頓還是暫離家鄉找尋心中的平靜?
‧ 每月 500 fun 幣犒賞自己,94 Happy,94爽。
‧ 提供員工筆電補助及健檢補助:破關斬將需要升級手上打怪的武器,定時檢查身體才能保持高度的活力!


NT$ 150 - 150 (時薪)