Senior Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET)



【 團隊介紹 】

目前團隊正處於快速擴張與衝刺的階段,追求每個月推出新的功能以獲取更多的客戶,大量新功能開發與 refactor 持續激盪進行中。每天與團隊大量溝通產品的行為與作法,目標在最有效的時間內產出客戶愛不釋手的功能,過程中充滿了激情與挑戰,非常適合以下的人格特質:

  •  喜歡團隊合作
  •  創意與創造力
  •  樂於接受挑戰解決問題
  •  清晰的邏輯與溝通能力
  •  喜歡高效處理複雜的任務

團隊中個個都是擁有豐富經驗和執行實力的好手,所以除了把基本功能實作出來之外,我們也追求 code 的品質、可讀性與架構,實行 Code Review 與 Unit-Test 來確保程式的品質。導入 Agile 開發的流程與精神,確保每周的版本穩定更新,持續精進產品的功能。

  •  專注在建立全球化的 SaaS Service,解決高度複雜的物流系統
  •  Daily Scrum,每天例行同步大家目前正在執行事項與所遇到的阻礙,互相協助
  •  開放溝通的工作環境,歡迎任何想法提出來發想討論
  •  團隊成員皆樂於分享與吸收新的知識,不定期舉辦 Lunch Meeting 分享技術交流
  •  嚴謹的 Code Review,可以在 Review 的過程中探討更深的想法與問題
  •  Jenkins + Ansible 的 CI /CD 流程 (正在導入GitOps)
  •  支持並全額補助團隊成員參加 PyCon 或其他對產品有幫助的 Conference
  •  開放許願池,以補助團隊成員想購買的書籍或其他可以改善工作環境的物品

We are looking for a senior SDET(Software Development Engineer in Test) to improve product quality and engineering efficiency. In this role, you will be responsible for developing and performing automation tests and maintaining automation tools and frameworks.

To ensure success as a senior SDET, you should have advanced programming skills, strong architecture insight, and a keen eye for detail. You will also oversee and participate in the design, development, execution, and maintenance of test plans and automation test scripts.


  • Create test plans, prioritize tasks, and optimize automation testing architecture and procedures.
  • Provide technical guidance and expertise to team members.
  • Train and mentor automation engineers on the selection, design, and implementation of various automation test frameworks, tools, and strategies.
  • Works collaboratively with cross-functional teams to understand project objectives, gather automation requirements, design automated tests, troubleshoot issues, and implement scalable test automation solutions.
  • Review software bug reports and highlight problem areas.
  • Drives the research, evaluation, and implementation of automated testing tools and utilities.
  • Integrate automated testing into a Jenkins CI/CD framework.


  • At least 5 years of experience in automation testing or software development 3+ years.
  • Insightful interpersonal, communication, influence, and organizational skills.
  • In-depth hands-on knowledge of one or more programming languages.
  • Willingness to pitch ideas and test new approaches.
  • A deep and practical understanding of Software Development LifeCycle processes including Requirements, Design, Development, Build, Release Management, and Quality Assurance.





  • Experience in building automation strategy and execution plans for successful B2B SaaS solutions.
  • Experience on CI/CD tools Jenkins, Docker.
  • Excellent code-reviewing skills to offer best practices to your team.
  • Expertise in web automation testing tools Selenium, WebDrive, and JMeter.
  • Experience in API, GUI Automation Testing for web.
  • Experience in various automation testing frameworks, and knowing what and which best suits our needs.
  • Good knowledge of performance testing and security testing.
  • Experience on AWS, GCP or Azure operations.




  • 配置個人筆電、測試機及兩個以上的27吋螢幕
  • 高級人體工學坐椅及工業風的辦公環境,營造開放又舒適的工作氣氛


  • 無限量的零食飲料及各式飲料,讓你吃喝無極限
  • 現磨咖啡機、膠囊咖啡機通通有,重現塞納河畔左岸風情
  • 每周新鮮水果、快閃下午茶,補充上班時所需的能量
  • 不定期的Team Building、出遊與聚餐,自由參加團隊交流活動
  • 硬漢按摩小棧,在公司也讓你享受通體舒暢的專業舒壓按摩


  • 補助講座、研討會、線上課程與書籍,上課當天給予進修假
  • 高額員工推薦獎金,吸引優秀人才加入團隊,互相切磋交流一起共好


  • 推崇自律文化、高效工作
  • 周休二日,補班日不上班
  • 員工團體保險,公司全額負擔
  • 彈性工時與休假,若有需要也能申請 Work from home


  • 扁平組織、透明的公司文化,每季All Hands Meeting,一同參與公司的重要決策
  • 每年檢視公司業績目標與績效評鑑,給予獎金激勵團隊士氣
  • 對於當前及未來目標設立明確,旨在成為新創界的航海王
  • 年輕又有活力的新創團隊,互相激盪火花,一起在台灣打造世界級產品


NT$ 1,300,000 - 2,400,000 (年薪)