
OneDegree Group

Create a brand new InsurTech ecosystem with OneDegree!




OneDegree Group成立於2016年8月,旨在增強保險業務,使其更加精簡、快捷、高效。 2020年4月,我們榮幸地獲得香港保險業監管局頒發的虛擬保險公司牌照,成為一家綜合性數字保險公司。 我們為個人提供各種保險服務,包括寵物保險、人類健康保險、電子商務保險和家庭保險。 在亞洲,引入虛擬保險牌照導致對IXT保險技術解決方案的需求持續增長,我們收到了來自大型金融企業、保險公司、知名創新科技企業等多家機構的諮詢,尋求如何利用IXT團隊建立在線保險平台並推動產品創新。

此外,我們還通過 - OneInfinity 提供全面的服務,提供數字資產保險; Cymetrics,提供網絡安全評估解決方案; OneSavie Lab 提供針對 Web3 生態系統量身定制的風險評估和管理解決方案。 這些服務面向企業,包括專業賠償、董事和高級職員 (D&O) 保險、網絡信息安全保險和數字資產保護等專業保險產品。 


OneDegree Group was founded in August 2016 with the aim of enhancing the insurance business, making it more streamlined, swift, and efficient. In April 2020, we were honored to receive the virtual insurance company license from the Hong Kong Insurance Authority, establishing ourselves as a comprehensive digital insurance company. We offer various insurance services for individuals, including pet, human health, e-commerce, and home insurance.  In Asia, introducing virtual insurance licenses has led to a continuous growth in demand for IXT insurance technology solutions. We have received inquiries from various institutions, including large financial corporations, insurance companies, and renowned innovative technology enterprises, seeking insights on leveraging the IXT team to establish online insurance platforms and drive product innovation.   

Additionally, we provide a comprehensive range of services through OneInfinity, offering digital asset insurance; Cymetrics, which provides cybersecurity assessment solutions; and OneSavie Lab, which offers risk assessment and management solutions tailored to the Web3 ecosystem. These services cater to enterprises and include specialized insurance offerings such as professional indemnity, directors and officers (D&O) insurance, network information security coverage, and digital asset protection. 

OneDegree Group has expanded rapidly across diverse enterprise sectors, this rapid growth has positioned us as a market leader.  Here are detailed introductions to each of our product teams.



OneDegree HK (B2C Insurance Service) Team

我們的 B2C 保險產品團隊,稱為 OneDegree HK,專注於為個人和家庭提供多種保險和相關服務,包括寵物保險、家居保險、火險及重疾保險等,為客戶提供全面的保險保障。該團隊為首批獲發香港保險業監管局的虛擬保險業者許可證的保險公司之一,為個人和企業提供寵物保險、電子商務保險、家居保險、重疾保險和數字資產保險等保障。以客戶為中心,旨在確保他們的生活和財產得到最佳的保護。

Our B2C insurance product team, known as OneDegree HK, specializes in providing a variety of insurance and related services for individuals and families. This includes human health insurance, pet insurance, and more, ensuring comprehensive insurance coverage for our customers. This team holds the virtual insurance operator license issued by the Hong Kong Insurance Authority, offering insurance solutions for individuals and businesses, covering pet insurance, e-commerce insurance, home insurance, critical illness insurance, and digital asset protection. With a customer-centric approach, our goal is to ensure the optimal protection of their lives and assets. 

IXT (B2B Insurtech) Team

我們的 B2B 保險科技團隊 IXT,致力加速保險產業創新腳步。IXT 現代化保險核心系統,以領先業界的技術和產業洞察,協助客戶快速且大規模地創新、升級並取得亮眼的業務績效。IXT 的開放式 API 架構,使業者能與生態系合作夥伴無縫串接、擴大保險應用場景、增加客戶及提升營收。 

Our B2B insurtech team, IXT, is committed to powering insurance innovation around the world. IXT, the modern core insurance system, provides technology and expertise that help clients innovate, modernize and deliver accelerated business results at speed and scale. Our open API architecture can be used to seamlessly integrate with ecosystem partners, expand insurance use cases, and grow revenue as well as customers.   

Cymetrics (Cybersecurity Service) Team

我們的資訊安全團隊Cymetrics,專注於提供全面的資安評估 SaaS 平台。團隊成員均擁有資安風險管理和滲透測試的專業知識,具有在四大管理顧問公司、台灣領導資安服務商、知名品牌原廠的豐富經驗,且積極參與國際 CTF 競賽,並曾取得世界前三名。我們服務的客戶來自不同產業,包括政府、金融、製造業、高科技和電子商務等等。我們團隊也協助集團獲得 ISO 27001 和 ISO 27017 認證,強化集團資安治理。團隊的核心價值在於創新、專業和協作,以提供高效的資安解決方案。 

Our cybersecurity team, Cymetrics, is committed to providing a comprehensive cybersecurity assessment SaaS platform. Our team members specialize in risk management and penetration testing, with experiences in Big 4 management consulting team, well-known international banks, leading cybersecurity service providers in Taiwan and renowned cybersecurity brands. The team regularly participates in international CTF competitions and has placed in the top 3 of the world Our clients come from various industries, including government, finance, manufacturing, high-tech, and e-commerce. We have assisted the Group to receive ISO 27001 and ISO 27017 certifications. The team's core values revolve around innovation, professionalism, and collaboration, providing efficient cybersecurity solutions. 

OneInfinity (B2B Insurance Service) Team

我們的數位資產保險產品團隊OneInfinity,為數位資產參與者提供保險解決方案,包括交易平台、託管機構、資產管理公司、銀行和技術供應商。所提供的服務包括數位資產錢包保險(犯罪及實物)和企業責任保險(專業人士賠償、董事和高級管理人員、投資管理及網絡)。另與Cymetrics 提供靈活的資訊安全評估,協助企業管理資安風險。 

Our digital asset insurance product team, OneInfinity, is dedicated to providing insurance coverage for digital asset players, including trading platforms, custodians, asset management companies, banks, and technology providers. Our service offerings include digital asset wallet insurance (crime, and specie) and corporate liability coverages (Professional Indemnity, Directors & Officers, Investment Management and Cyber). Additionally, we collaborate with Cymetrics to provide flexible cybersecurity assessments, assisting enterprises in managing cyber risks. 

OneSavie Lab (Web3 Service) Team

OneSavie Lab, 一個結合 Web3與AI科技的頂尖實驗室,致力於為Web3 生態系統以及眾多參與者提供先進的智能風險監控和管理工具,包括中心化和去中心化的多元策略選擇。 OneSavie Lab的核心使命是為投資者、機構和其他虛擬資產領域的利益相關者提供全方位的支持。從代幣風險監控、資產情報分析,到Web3 的風控諮詢,我們都能提供專業、精確的服務,在新興領域為客戶護航。 

OneSavie Lab is a leading laboratory that combines Web3 and AI technologies, dedicated to providing advanced intelligent risk monitoring and management tools for the Web3 ecosystem and its numerous participants. This includes a range of centralized and decentralized multi-strategy options. The core mission of OneSavie Lab is to offer comprehensive support to investors, institutions, and other stakeholders in the virtual asset domain. From token risk monitoring and asset intelligence analysis to Web3 risk advisory, we deliver professional and precise services to guide clients in emerging fields. 

Our goal is to continue driving innovation in the insurtech field, providing enhanced insurance experiences for customers, while offering opportunities for development and learning to our employees. 

更認識我們:OneDegree Tech Blog 

在這個技術部落格我們將會分享更多關於 OneDegree 的技術分享,歡迎你來與我們激盪更多技術交流!




透明的溝通跟決策:OneDegree 作為一間年輕企業,沒有一般公司的階級問題,每一位同事的聲音都可以直接表達。我們亦會定期舉辦所有員工共同參與的全員大會,分享公司最新發展與狀況。



友善的工作環境:OneDegree 的員工包含了多國成員,背景、性格和文化或許不一,但同事均尊重彼此的想法。我們亦持續打造更舒適的環境,除了定期提升硬體設備外,內部也有不同的社團活動讓同事於工作之外能有更多交流,包括運動性、學術性技術討論和休閒性的社團等。


Company Philosophy:

The operational model of the insurance industry today has not changed significantly from a hundred years ago. Outdated internal systems are one of the main obstacles hindering the industry's progress. Our team has chosen an immensely challenging mission—to enter an industry that has been around for a long time and build an insurance technology platform from scratch, one that is highly flexible and scalable. We stand at the forefront of the era, striving to deliver a truly seamless and comfortable user experience for our clients, bringing change to the insurance industry.


Company Culture:

Transparent Communication and Decision-Making: As a young company, OneDegree does not have the hierarchical issues commonly found in corporations; every colleague's voice can be expressed directly. We also regularly hold all-staff meetings where every employee participates, sharing the latest developments and updates within the company.

Autonomous and Flexible Work Approach: The work pace of a startup team is fast and adaptable, with flexible eight-hour work hours. Colleagues adjust their collaborative modes based on each other's personalities and strengths, maximizing work efficiency without being confined to traditional processes.

Friendly Working Environment: OneDegree's employees consist of members from various countries, with different backgrounds, personalities, and cultures. However, colleagues respect each other's ideas. We continuously strive to create a more comfortable environment by not only regularly upgrading hardware but also fostering various internal clubs and activities, allowing colleagues to interact beyond work. These include sports, academic and technical discussions, as well as leisure-oriented clubs.






  • 加入第一天即享有年假,首年 15 天年假(依照入職比例發)
  • 每年全薪病假 5 天、全薪生理假 3 天


  • 參加 conference、外部訓練都有補助 (正職員工適用)
  • 證照補助 (正職員工適用)
  • 讀書會社團 - 前端、後端、SRE、區塊鏈等多元主題(全體同仁適用)


  • 健康檢查補助 (正職員工適用)
  • 社團補助 - 各種運動社團、桌遊社、電玩社、這週要幹嘛社
  • 定期補充的零食以及飲料櫃、義式咖啡機、氣泡水機
  • 舒適的開放式工作環境,距離捷運台北101站 5分鐘路程
  • 彈性上下班時間、彈性遠端工作
