
挺過千錘百鍊、躲過槍林彈雨的你,對!就是你! 是我們在找尋的夥伴!


About Us

PTS Syndicate is a creative, brand management & product development company in the toys and outdoor item and creative industry. We carry a series of globally renowned brands and have our own designed toys components and accessories. PTS headquarter is located in Hong Kong, we have offices in USA/TW and partner networks throughout the entire world.

PTS Syndicate 是一家在玩具槍領域和軍警用品及創意產業中獨具前瞻性、深耕品牌經營和產品開發設計的公司。 我們代理一系列全球知名軍警用品,同時也自己設計和製造玩具槍的周邊配件。 PTS總部位於香港,我們在美國/台灣設有分公司,品牌的營銷合作夥伴遍布全球。

PTSProfessional Training Simulation,意思是「專業訓練模擬」,這個品牌在玩具槍業界也有十餘年了,多年來在世界各地的氣槍社群內頗有知名度,玩家們肯定都有聽過PTS的名號,大家的印象中是專門經營「真品品牌」授權產品的廠商,現在的PTS Syndicate在美國和香港設有據點和專業設計團隊,而PTS在109年在台灣設立分公司,至此為新的起點,準備拓展亞洲業務,提供更完善的服務給軍警單位。

Our Missions

Working at PTS is fun, exciting, demanding, and also a very rewarding place to work along with. To cope with our business growth and expansion, we’re looking for candidates with fun character, strong interpersonal skills including excellent verbal and written communication skills that can demonstrate a strong willingness to learn and share across various disciplines.

在 PTS 工作是非常有趣且令人興奮的,適合自我要求高且勇於挑戰自己,這是一份會讓你獲益良多的工作。 為了應對PTS在亞洲區的業務增長和擴張,我們正在尋找性格開朗、善於人際交流和工作能力強,包括出色的口條和書面溝通技巧,能夠表現出強烈的跨領域學習能力和分享的你!


Welfares by law


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1.週休二日。上班時段:09:00 下班時段:18:00。
4. 年終尾牙聚餐



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