As a Frontend Developer, you will shape the future of work by creating and maintaining an innovative video conferencing tool for hybrid teams. This tool is built in VueJS, and requires a deep understanding of browser capabilities, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and TypeScript. You should be adept at crafting amazing user experiences in interactive applications using modern technologies.
主要分兩階段,Video Call 視訊面試,以及 Final Onsite Interview ,完整跑完流程約 2-3 週。
Flexible Work Time & Remote Work 彈性上下班時間 & 遠端工作
Maker Time 每週一天 Maker Time,不進行不必要的會議和討論
Team Activities and Workshops 各式活動與學習機會 (技術分享、Design Demo, Hack Days等)
Fun, Creative & International 雙語工作環境,團隊成員來自世界各地
Free Lunch and Dinner in the Office 辦公室內團隊午餐晚餐
Sports Classes in Office/Online 和同事一起起來動一動
PicCafe 健康零食水果,永遠餵飽你的胃
Awesome & Fun Office 有趣舒適大稻埕風的辦公室