《SISTA》將環保與模特時尚完美結合,點燃2017年全新潮流,掀起環保時尚趨勢, 帶動時尚經濟共享產能,延伸至亞洲區世界,讓台灣站上國際舞台的環保時尚企業。
1. 幸福企業,可翹腳和翹小指,自在即可
2. 彈性工作時間 ,比橡皮筋彈
3. 不定時的工作環境,不時咖啡廳/下午茶工作
4. 結交模特兒朋友,增廣見聞
5. 超強鴻海顧問諮詢服務
6. Friday Free Beer
7. 不定期免費熱炒dinner time+好吃私家蔥蛋
Employee Benefits
1. Lovely Company. Do whatever you like in office.
2. Sometime we would switch to cafe or afternoon tea shop working
3. Flexible working hour
4. Plenty of opportunities to meet all kinda models to meet new friends.
5. Free Foxcoon Consultant services
6. Friday free beer
7. Sometimes free dinner meetup and also free homemade onion omelette for breakfast.