

千里之行始於問! 我們透過科技,讓每個人享有高品質的教育。



◆ 產品理念

學生可於Snapask平台上透過「實時問答」獲得即時功課輔導或「模擬測驗」定期作針對性操練。團隊期望個人化服務能更有效解決每位學生的學習難題,同時建立更仔細的個人學習能力分佈檔案,協助同學充分掌握自己的專長,主導自己的學習方向,重拾學習的樂趣。時至今日,Snapask 廣受中學生歡迎, 即時教學服務亦推廣至台灣、新加坡、馬來西亞、印尼、泰國、日本、韓國等市場。現時已有超過上百萬名學生曾經接受來自35萬名合格導師的即時支援。

◆ 團隊價值主張
1. Responsible, so we can count of you and same vice versa.
Responsibility with flexibility, if you want flexibility at work, you should always make sure you perform at best on all your responsibilities. Being responsible also means you understand your team mates are relying on your best judgement on your decisions.

2. Effective, so things got done, and positive impact is made.
Effectiveness with quality, make sure what you are doing is scalable, transferrable, and most importantly, solving the core problem. Being effective does not only mean bringing results, being cost, time, and energy- effective is what makes the company competitive and performs always at best.

3. Self-aware, so one could always learn and improve.
Humility is to be self-aware and respectful. Do not assume you are right, always listen and constructively offer helpful feedback to others, so you can improve and help others to improve. Respectfulness comes first in all conversations, even when making a strong justified point.


◆ 實現 因材施教 有教無類

We empower students to learn confidently and succeed in life

Step 1: Build a service to improve effectiveness of learning in day-school, after-school tuition and self-study.
Step 2: Collect data from all learning actions to complete students’ learning profile and provide insights to suggest improvement.
Step 3: Teacher knows how to cater individual needs and act accordingly to improve students’ performance.
Step 4: Student build interest and ability to absorb knowledge the right way, and realise their true potential, to succeed in life.

◆ 師者: 傳道、授業、解惑

Teacher’s role is to transfer knowledge, guide, and solve doubts

In all 4 steps, student is taking the active role, and teachers is a medium of knowledge and a tool to pass on experience. Our goal is to make teacher’s life easier, so they can focus their effort on understanding each individual students, and guide them to success.

◆ We are bringing to students:

Education for you, your interest, your choice, your pace.
Content only if they are bite-size, and relevant to you.
Skills to process information and solve problems in any environment.
Mentors that are always available for you.
Confidence to improve everyday.
Knowledge that is useful in your life.

◆ We are bringing to teachers:

Tools to make teachers' life easier, so they could focus on teaching.
Understanding of each student’s progress and performance.
Ways to improve student’s grades, thus ranking of teachers, class and school.


亞洲地區的教育側重考試成績,學生為求入讀心儀大學,不惜花費大量金錢補習,令補習行業於香港大行其道。Snapask 創辦人 Timothy (余佑謙) 於大學時期亦曾與幾位同學合辦補習社,為文憑試考生提供小班教學,初嘗做老闆滋味。通過親身教學,Timothy 了解到學生不單單需要課堂內的教學,更需要課後的學習支援。

有鑑於此,除了補習以外,Timothy 開始探索不同渠道向學生提供課後學習支援服務。他開始上載教學短片至社交網站,讓學生留言發問。這種方式剛推出時雖頗受同學歡迎,但礙於當時缺乏有系統的解題方案與合適平台,加上同學擔心因學習能力差異而被標籤,令不少帶著疑問的學生卻步。由於單對單授課成本高昂,加上導師時間有限,Timothy 萌生利用科技讓有需要的學生與有閒暇的導師接洽,即時解決同學的學習疑難的概念。

當時仍為基金會計的 Timothy 毅然辭職,全力籌組團隊,以為學生提供個人化學習平台為目標,開創 Snapask。幸而當時獲得天使投資者的青睞,並獲選參加初創企業培育計劃,令公司有更多資源擴大團隊及完善服務。他希望透過手機學習平台為同學提供即時一對一功課輔導,內容更個人化之餘亦讓學生主導自己的學習方向及內容,重拾學習的樂趣。

時至今日,Snapask 廣受中學生歡迎,並把即時教學服務推廣至台灣、新加坡、馬來西亞、印尼、泰國、日本、韓國。現時已有上百萬名學生曾經接受來自35萬名合資格導師的即時支援。除「實時問答」外,Snapask 亦同時開發全新功能「模擬測驗」,為學生提供定期練習之餘,收集更多數據,為學生建立更仔細的個人學習能力分佈檔案,令同學充分掌握自己的專長。平台亦會利用機器學習技術,透過數據整合及分析為同學建議學習方針,並提供針對性的補充練習,協助同學主導自己的學習方向,重拾學習的樂趣。數據更可同時支援學校老師深入了解每位同學的需要,方便調整課堂內容,既可提升學習成效,亦可減輕老師的工作負擔。除平台學習外,Snapask 的服務亦擴展至線下,透過與各大線下學習中心合作以實踐 Online-to-Offline (O2O) 教育,為學生提供更完善學習支援服務。Timothy 期望透過以上三大學習方針,為學生帶來更有趣、更有效、更貼身的全新學習體驗,從而改革傳統教育,實現「因材施教,有教無類」的願景。





★ 制度類:半年核薪制度、每月兩日遠端工作、彈性上下班時間
★ 健康保險:勞保、健保、勞工退休金6%提撥
★ 請/休假:週休二日、到職即享一年十日優於勞基法之特休,勞基法所規定的我們都不會少
★ 工作空間:全新裝潢辦公室-認真工作區、吵鬧工作區、休閒娛樂區
★ 娛樂福利:員工聚餐、會議飲品、Xmas Party、零食咖啡區、每季 team building
★ 獎金禮品:開工紅包、尾牙抽獎人人有獎
★ 在職進修:每月 2000 元員工進修補助金
★ 設備補助:可申請購買工作用個人電腦補助,最高補助 30,000 元

媒體報導 ( 4 )


