


About Us

ClearDent is a dental practice management software company. We provide industry-certified technology and digital tools to empower dentists to streamline their processes and operations, thereby enabling dental professionals to focus on patient care.

總公司 Prococious Technology Inc. 在加拿大成立於2002年,為全加拿大前三大牙醫專用軟體 ClearDent 之研發公司。在近年來全球科技無國界的發展下,2008年 Prococious Technology Inc. 在台灣成立了一個獨立的產品研發團隊 - 諾盾科技有限公司。

台北辦公室位於交通便利的台北車站京站旁 。

Our Missions



Our Story

In 2002, our founders, Shirley, Peter, and Alvin, saw a demand for an innovative and intuitive dental practice management solution in Canada. Over the last 20 years, we’ve been working hard to become an industry-leading dental software company that empowers dental offices with our all-in-one solution, exceptional training and onboarding, and amazing customer support.

Over the years, we have improved our technology and expanded our product offerings, but the motivation behind what we do has never changed: to enable dental professionals to increase the value of their practice and improve their quality of life.


Welfares by law


Other benefits

  • 法定保障 - 勞保、健保、勞退提撥
  • 週休二日、優於勞基法假期福利,每年額外給予之7天假期,到職即享有帶薪休假
  • 可部分遠端/在家上班
  • 員工團體保險、員工健康檢查
  • 三節禮金、年終獎金
  • 零食櫃、咖啡吧、下午茶、部門聚餐/慶生、尾牙/春酒&抽獎活動

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