Technical Recruiter, Tech Hub

foodpanda 榮獲 2023 亞洲最佳雇主獎



  • Play a key role to build up a strong talent force for Taiwan tech team.
  • Work closely with global / regional in order to deeply understand teams’ organization structure and business need for human resource. Utilize this information to develop most effective recruiting strategies.
  • Proactive source and recruit engineering talents in a highly competitive talent market with innovative solutions.
  • Initiate and maintain a network of contacts to help identify qualified candidates for hiring needs. Help drive all sourcing channels actively, including employee referrals, utilization of creative social networks, etc.
  • Active participation in the full cycle of recruitment efforts, including emphasis on the ability of assessment skills to help evaluate candidates and ensure the highest bar.
  • Act as a point of contact and build influential candidate relationships during the hiring process.
  • Communicate effectively with all stakeholders to ensure the hiring process is well-prepared.
  • Provide analytical and well documented recruiting reports and data.
  • Manage and monitor the headcount status.




  • at least 3 years’ previous experience as a recruiter (either an in-house recruiter or a staffing agency recruiter)
  • Fluent written and verbal communication skills in both English and Chinese.
  • Has successful hiring experience in software engineering roles and strong relationships with this talent pool.
  • Strong communication skill and familiar with cooperating with global/local stakeholders.
  • Solid ability to conduct different types of interviews (structured, competency-based, stress etc)
  • Able to understand business requirements and frame these requirements in such a way that technical and operational solutions can be developed for the highest impact.
  • Ideal candidates would possess high energy, be highly motivated and self-directed.



The interview will be done remotely via Google Meet









★ foodpanda 期待和你一起創造價值 ★




- 充電假3天

- 熊貓假6天

- 生日假

- 彈性假不補班

- 聖誕節不上班



- 彈性工時:09:00~10:00 彈性上班,避開擁擠的通勤時間

- 開放環境:人性化的辦公環境,多種功能會議室,讓你輕鬆自在享受辦公

- 配備電腦:高規格的專業商務機,並擁有專業IT支援,解決你工作中惱人的技術問題

- 共享空間:豐富的零食區、飲料咖啡吧,有趣的運動區、休閒娛樂區,讓你隨時能量滿滿



- 理性開放溝通

- 教育訓練課程

- 線上學習平台

- 透明升遷管道



- 按摩服務

- 心理諮商

- 健檢補助

- 團體保險


【暖心福利】 認真工作也要盡情玩,免費零食飲料是基本,我們還會舉辦許多好玩的活動,為你創造趣豐富的生活。

- 餐費補助

- 部門聚餐

- 免費零食飲料和咖啡

- 多元活動:萬聖節派對、Town hall meetings、Teambuilding 活動等…



