People Partner (HRBP)

foodpanda 榮獲 2023 亞洲最佳雇主獎


1. More than 3 years of human resources experience, including at least 2 or more different functions.
2. Fluent in English, including listening, speaking, reading and writing, to adapt to cross-border communication meetings.
3. Have experience in playing the role of project owner will be a good plus.
4. Analyzes trends and metrics in partnership with the People group to develop solutions, programs and policies.
5. Works closely with management and employees to improve work relationships, build morale, and increase productivity and retention.
6. Leverage data and insights, propose and track action plans to address and improve engagement.
7. Analyze attrition data to identify trends and correlations, and make recommendations to increase talent attraction and retention rates.
8. Deliver excellent employee experience through seamless and efficient management of each step of the employee life cycle, from onboarding to career transitions.
9. Manages and resolves complex employee relations issues. Conducts effective, thorough and objective investigations.
10. Other related People projects.


1、Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
2、Excellent interpersonal and customer service skills.
3、Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail.
4、Excellent time management skills with a proven ability to meet deadlines.
5、Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.











★ foodpanda 期待和你一起創造價值 ★




- 充電假3天

- 熊貓假6天

- 生日假

- 彈性假不補班

- 聖誕節不上班









- 彈性工時:09:00~10:00 彈性上班,避開擁擠的通勤時間

- 開放環境:人性化的辦公環境,多種功能會議室,讓你輕鬆自在享受辦公

- 配備電腦:高規格的專業商務機,並擁有專業IT支援,解決你工作中惱人的技術問題

- 共享空間:豐富的零食區、飲料咖啡吧,有趣的運動區、休閒娛樂區,讓你隨時能量滿滿



- 理性開放溝通

- 教育訓練課程

- 線上學習平台

- 透明升遷管道



- 按摩服務

- 心理諮商

- 健檢補助

- 團體保險


【暖心福利】 認真工作也要盡情玩,免費零食飲料是基本,我們還會舉辦許多好玩的活動,為你創造趣豐富的生活。

- 餐費補助

- 部門聚餐

- 免費零食飲料和咖啡

- 多元活動:萬聖節派對、Town hall meetings、Teambuilding 活動等…



