[總部] 機器學習主任工程師 Principal Engineer_0220*


我們是集團的策略長室團隊,目前正在積極尋找 Machine Learning 主任工程師 加入我們!
Gamania Data Center is an expanding entity deploying a large scale of user data source to assist our organization in having better insights of our customers and applying cutting-edge machine learning techniques in developing next generation products. As the leading role in the Entertainment industry, we focus on data sources in various fields, including Gaming, E-Commerce, Mobile Payment and Media. We have devoted ourselves to build an integrated infrastructure of big data analysis, recommendation systems and other machine learning applications including but not limited to image search, colorization, image-to-text, text-to-image and style transfer . Now we are proud to present our service broadly applied to different kinds of data sources and the target market.
As a machine learning engineer at Gamania Data Center, you will work closely with product managers, software engineers, and business partners in Gaming, E-Commerce, Mobile Payment or Media. You will also be in charge of building data pipelines, machine learning modeling and applications deployment. Our mission is to provide industrial winning machine learning solutions to maintain Gamania’s industry leading dominance.

▍你將負責1. ML 應用架構設計與實作。
2. 從無到有落地NLP、CV演算法,建立線上服務。
3. 依據市場需求,調整或提出 state of the art 方法來解決垂直型市場問題。
4. 跨部門合作與溝通
5. AI as a Service團隊管理&相關人才培育發展

Tech stacks:
1. Airflow
2. Pyspark
3. BigQuery / Redis
4. Scikit-Learn / LightGBM / XGBoost / Pytorch / TensorFlow
5. FastAPI


1.有 AI/ML 研發能力
2.有 AI/ML 專案經驗








+. 具市場競爭力的薪資
+. 年終獎金2個月+營運分紅獎金
+. 勞健、團體保險
+. 員工旅遊假、旅遊金補助
+. 生日假、產檢假、壯遊假、陪產假、新人特休假、男性員工陪產檢假
+. 生日、三節禮金
+. 婚喪喜慶補助金
+. 每年免費健康檢查
+. 每日普橘島餐飲補助金
+. 多元社團活動
+. 二十四小時開放的休閒運動中心以及專職健身教練
+. 歡樂安全的幼兒學習天地-幼橘園
+. E-learning學習平台
+. 全員休閒活動,年終尾牙、創意日、運動會、家庭日、節慶活動等
+. 明亮、寬敞、摩登辦公環境

更多Gamania台灣區相關資訊請上www.gamania.com 查詢。


NT$ 1,000,000 - 1,800,000 (年薪)