【Key Responsibilities】
1. Designing & implementing infrastructure for collecting metrics, crunching data and improving service monitoring to detect problems before they're visible to our customers.
2. Building systems to automate our server lifecycle, from configuration management, CI/CD to server bootstrap and decommission.
3. Troubleshooting, performing root cause analysis, and resolving production issues from the application and network layers all the way down to the system level.
4. Participating in solution design and advising other developers when building new features so that they're scalable, maintainable, and performing well.
5. Improving the observability of our applications through monitoring, alerting, logging, tracing and profiling, and building such observability features into a common platform.
6. Practicing sustainable incident response and blameless postmortems.
7. Proactively identifying and reducing issues through design, testing, and implementation of software-based solutions.
More Info>>>https://www.ikala.ai
1. BS/MS degree in Computer Science, Engineering or equivalent practical experience.
2. 3+ years with UNIX/Linux systems.
3. 1+ years of experience in software development, and familiar with shell script or one particular language.
4. 3+ years of experience operating and building software in cloud environments including GCP or AWS.
5. Experience in system / relational database administration.
6. Experience with configuration management software such as Terraform, Ansible, Puppet, or Chef.
7. 1+ years of production experience with Docker & Kubernetes.
■ 勞、健保及退休金提撥
■ 三節禮金
■ 生日禮金
■ 內部同仁推薦獎金
■ 人才推薦獎金
■ 專案獎金
■ 年終獎金
■ 可彈性申請在家工作
■ 咖啡無限暢飲
■ 釀酒機 (偶爾可以小酌一杯)
■ 餅乾零食吃到飽
■ 下午茶聚會
■ 部門聚餐
■ 慶生會
■ 紓壓按摩
■ 電影欣賞
■ 員工旅遊
■ 健康檢查
■ 團體保險
■ 教育訓練補助
■ 休假給予最大彈性
■ 女性同仁生理假 (每月一天不扣薪)
■ 全薪病假 (一年五天不扣薪)
■ 優於勞基法之陪產檢假
■ 優於勞基法之彈性休假
■ 志工服務假
■ 開放式的辦公環境,辦公室可穿著室內拖鞋,營造家庭式的舒適環境
■ 衛生的環境設施,專人全天候維護茶水間及洗手間的清潔衛生
■ 舒服安靜的休憩空間
■ 安全的門禁管理,保障同仁安全
■ 年輕熱血的新創團隊
■ 活潑歡樂的工作氣氛
■ 扁平的組織,彼此可以輕鬆談話
■ 我們互相尊重、講求效率與信任
■ 意見不用怕被忽視
■ 我們不只是同事,是一起努力的夥伴朋友
■ 我們一起努力工作,一起快樂玩耍