1. Plan actionable research and discover useful insights based on business needs and data implementation.
2. Lead the team to drive full life-cycle data science projects.
3. Work closely with machine learning engineers to build up machine learning / data science services.
4. Design and build up automated data pipelines with data engineers.
5. Confirm and structure the demands & problems from other departments.
1. Degree in business, economics, computer science, statistics etc.
2. Fluency in Python programming language.
3. Fluency in SQL language.
4. Advanced statistical knowledge background.
5. Experience in ML product development, including ETL design and ML model performance monitoring.
6. Common knowledge of NLP machine learning algorithms such as Transformer, and Prompt Learning.
7. Great communication and data storytelling skills to internal stakeholders.
8. Project management experience in the fast-pace industry (e.g. e-commerce, startups).
1. Familiar with business intelligence tools (Tableau, Data Studio, etc.).
2. Familiar with cosmetics, e-commerce, and the retail industry is a plus.
3. Familiar with marketing analytics tools (Google Analytics, etc.).
4. Familiar with linguistic knowledge is a plus.
5. Experience with cloud technology is a plus.
More Info>>>https://www.ikala.tv
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