奧美顧客體驗 - Technology Consultant 技術解決方案諮詢顧問專員


Job Description

About Us: We are seeking a skilled Technology Consultant to join our dynamic team and contribute to the design and implementation of cutting-edge systems and solutions.

Job Summary: As a Technology Consultant, you will play a crucial role in designing, integrating, and optimizing complex technology solutions for our clients. You will work closely with stakeholders to understand their business needs and translate them into effective system designs and data flows. Your hands-on experience with CRM, CMS, CDP, LINE, and Meta systems will be essential in delivering high-quality, scalable solutions.

Key Responsibilities:

  • System Design: Develop comprehensive system designs that meet client requirements, ensuring scalability, reliability, and security.
  • Data Flow Design: Create detailed data flow diagrams and models to support system integrations and business processes.
  • System Integration: Lead the integration of diverse systems, ensuring seamless interoperability and data consistency.
  • Solution Architecture: Design and implement complex solutions that address specific business challenges and opportunities.
  • Stakeholder Collaboration: Work closely with clients, project managers, and technical teams to gather requirements, provide technical expertise, and ensure successful project delivery.
  • Technical Documentation: Produce clear and detailed technical documentation, including system designs, data flow diagrams, and integration plans.
  • Quality Assurance: Conduct thorough testing and validation of implemented solutions to ensure they meet the desired outcomes.
  • Training and Support: Provide training and ongoing support to clients and internal teams to ensure effective use and maintenance of implemented systems.


  • Education: Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field.
  • Experience: Minimum of 5 years of hands-on experience in system design, data flow design, and system integration.
  • Technical Expertise:
    • Proficiency in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems.
    • Extensive experience with Content Management Systems (CMS).
    • Strong knowledge of Customer Data Platforms (CDP).
    • Hands-on experience with LINE and Meta systems.
  • System Design and Integration:
    • Ability to design scalable and secure systems.
    • Experience in creating detailed data flow diagrams.
    • Proven track record of successful system integrations.
  • Complex Solutions:
    • Expertise in designing and implementing complex technology solutions.
    • Ability to solve intricate business challenges with innovative technical solutions.
  • Communication and Collaboration:
    • Excellent communication skills with the ability to explain technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders.
    • Strong collaboration skills to work effectively with diverse teams and clients.
  • Technical Documentation: Ability to produce clear and detailed technical documentation.
  • Quality Assurance: Strong attention to detail with a focus on quality and accuracy in solution delivery.
  • Training and Support: Experience in providing training and support to clients and internal teams.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Certifications: Relevant certifications in CRM, CMS, CDP, or related technologies.
  • Project Management: Experience in project management methodologies (e.g., Agile, Scrum).
  • Cloud Technologies: Familiarity with cloud platforms and services (e.g., AWS, Azure, Google Cloud).


Welfares by law


Other benefits


Ogilvy Care 奧美福利


  • 年假:到職滿三個月即享至少年假 10 天,滿二年 14 天,依據年資與職級最高 30 天
  • 生日假:到職滿三個月即享生日當月生日假
  • 婚喪假:同勞基法假期天數,另提供結婚禮金及喪花補助
  • 全年國定假:每年平均比一般勞基法企業多 12 天奧美假期,遇周末絕不補班
  • 年資特別假:每滿五年即享額外 10 天奧美特別假,希望員工以長假充電休息
  • LGBTQ+ 同享婚假、產假、優於勞基法 14 天陪產檢假及陪產假福利


  • 符合法令的勞健保,雇主提撥 6% 勞退絕不轉嫁員工
  • 員工團保(壽險/住院/意外醫療險)由公司全額支付,員工配偶與子女無條件免費加保
  • 員工健檢全額補助,奧美保健室、哺乳室、專業職醫職護駐點提供健康諮詢
  • 員工協助方案 EAP 合作診所,免費身心專家預約諮詢
  • 全集團配置 3 位專屬視障按摩師
  • 不定期身心舒壓活動及放鬆課程
  • 每年提供 7 天全薪病假
  • 簽約企業計程車


  • WPP 母集團及 Global Ogilvy 全球奧美的海外線上訓練資源
  • 集團內部課程、趨勢分享、名人講座及部門專業訓練
  • Career conversation 定期雙向評估
  • 照顧新進員工的學長制
  • 奧美年資金幣


  • 員工旅遊:提供補助,同時享有 3 天帶薪旅遊假
  • 奧美尾牙:華麗佈置、藝人表演及驚喜連連的各種獎項
  • 福委活動:每年不定期舉辦 Summer Party、聖誕 Angel Awards、奧美社團…
  • 奧美特約商店:信義區優質特約商店、同享國泰集團員工折扣商品
  • 生日禮金及奧美紀念品


  • 活潑開放的工作環境、高度向心力的團隊
  • 恆春奧美:自由報名遠離塵囂的換城工作,創意源源不絕、身心靈全放空
  • DE&I 精神:用人不分背景、員工意見自由、定期活動倡導(彩虹月、女人節、心理健康日…)
  • 全天候供應員工票選得主的咖啡豆研磨咖啡

Salary Range

Negotiable (Above 40K TWD)