【TENG0401】iOS Engineer



SHOPLINE 全球智慧開店平台,是提供品牌一舉創建、管理線上與線下商店的一站式智慧開店服務。

以品牌電商架站平台為核心,整合網站設計、商品管理、金物流服務以及行銷導流工具,為賣家提供簡單、好上手的架站服務,是亞洲最大的網路開店平台,此外,SHOPLINE 也提供跨境、O2O 虛實整合、POS 系統等全通路解決方案。自 2013 年創辦以來,全球已經有超過 350,000 個品牌使用 SHOPLINE 的服務成功開店,讓 SHOPLINE 成為在亞洲市場的行業領軍者。

SHOPLINE 創新的服務與國際化的團隊專注為品牌賣家打造最好的產品,於 2014 年獲選加入矽谷著名初創育成機構 500startups 孵育計畫,是香港多年來第二間加入的團隊,更在 2016 年選入阿里巴巴集團的香港創業基金首批三家名單,並在 2019 年初,獲得了最新一輪的資金挹注。

歡迎對 startup 有熱誠的人才加入我們的頂尖團隊!

Shopline, a fully funded, 500 Startups company, is looking for a passionate and talented iOS Engineer (iOS) to join our team in Taiwan. You'll be a part of an engineering team that is dedicated to developing a reliable and robust ecommerce platform for merchants in Asia.

【What you will be doing】
- Developing, and maintaining high quality, scalable mobile applications.
- RESTful API interaction with backend server.
- Core data db manipulate.
- Analysis crash and bug from Firebase.
- Cross team corporation with Backend, PM, Design, QA and MS team.


【 Who we are looking for 】
- Three years + iOS native app development experience, familiar with iOS SDK and Swift
- Familiar with Git flow, have experience of developing with other team members.
- Implement the UI auto layout programmatically.
- Understand MVC、MVVM
- Understand functional programming concept, experience with RxSwift
- Use Instruments to find out memory leak and battle neck.
- Well cross team communication and corporation ability, could explain self and discuss thoughts smoothly and efficiently.



Hybrid Working Mode: 每週至少進公司兩天


【 It'd be plus if you have】
- Experience with Objective C.
- Understand the Multi-thread api GCD、NSOperation.
- Experience with mobile database, e.g. Core Data, SQLite.
- Experience with Unit testing by XCTest
- Understand VIPER architecture.
- Experience with publish app on AppStore.

【 Technologies you will work with】
- Swift
- RxSwift
- Objective-C
- Core Data
- Moya
- Cookie manipulating.





1. 彈性工作時間 / Flexible work hours
2. 彈性工作地點 / Flexible work location
3. 第一年即享有15天年假 / First year 15 days of annual leave
4. 生日假 / Birthday leave
5. 給薪病假 / Full pay sick leave
6. 給薪家庭照顧假 / Paid family care leave
7. 產假90天 / Maternity leave 90 days
8. 陪產假10天 / Paternity leave 10 days
9. 公司贊助彈性福利 / Company sponsored SHOPLINEFlex
10. 每季部門聚餐補助 $1,000 / Company sponsored quarterly team dinner
11. 平等的公司成員架構 / Flat team structure
12. 優質薪資待遇 / Competitive salary package
13. 有機會驅動產品導向,只要你有好的想法! / Ability to drive product direction


NT$ 1,100,000 - 1,800,000 (年薪)