【TENG1003】(Senior) Cloud Engineer (DevOps)



SHOPLINE 全球智慧開店平台,創立於 2013 年,2014 年獲選加入矽谷 500 Startups 加速器計劃,是香港多年來第二間加入的團隊,2015 年正式進入台灣市場。SHOPLINE 是致力於協助品牌一舉創建、管理線上與線下商店的一站式智慧開店服務,提供包含網路開店、跨境電商、社群購物、 POS 系統以及 OMO 虛實整合等全通路解決方案。此外,亦有專業的顧問團隊協助品牌執行廣告投遞、市場策略建議、行銷企劃以及商店代營運等全方位的開店解決方案,助力各種規模的品牌都能扎根本地,放眼世界,實現全通路零售的版圖佈局。

目前,SHOPLINE 已協助全球超過 50萬品牌開店,包含 RELOVE、林果良品、海邊走走、京盛宇、綠藤生機、美珍香、葡吉食品、古典玫瑰園等知名品牌選用。於 2022 年度,SHOPLINE 更成功協助所有品牌用戶接觸累計超過 15 億人次的消費者,讓 SHOPLINE 成為亞太市場的行業領軍者。

發展至今,SHOPLINE 全球人數逾二千人,是橫跨香港、台北、吉隆坡、胡志明市、深圳、廣州、杭州、上海、北京、新加坡、雅加達等 11 大亞洲城市的國際化團隊,而 SHOPLINE 創新的服務與頂尖的團隊專注為品牌打造最好的產品。

SHOPLINE 保有外商的制度福利與新創公司的發展彈性,你還等什麼!歡迎對 Startup、對電商產業有熱誠的人才加入我們的頂尖團隊!

【What you’ll be doing】
As a Shopline DevOps Engineer, your primary responsibility is to enhance the availability, performance and reliability of all infrastructures supporting Shopline products. You will be tasked with:

- Automation: Have a strong focus on automation and tooling.
- Troubleshooting: Capable of handling request errors by diving into upstream and downstream dependencies.
- Deployment and Change Management: Skilled in canary and release processes.
- Design and optimize our CI processes
- Resiliency strategies: Proficient in planning load and failure testing.
- Optimization of Systems and Processes: Includes capacity planning, configuration management, performance tuning, monitoring, and root cause analysis.
- Improvement of Incident Response: This involves enhancing the on-call experience, tools, and procedures. For example, designing a Postmortem process.
- Define security policies on the cloud: This involves AWS, Kubernetes or other resources access policy that service team need to obey


【Who we are looking for】
- Understanding of large-scale distributed systems in practice, covering multi-tier architectures, application security, monitoring, and storage systems.
- Proficiency in Linux and willingness to explore Linux internals.
- Experience in database administration, preferably with MongoDB, MySQL, ElasticSearch, or similar products.
- Expertise in at least one proxy service such as Nginx, CloudFront, Cloudflare, or similar products.
- Expertise in Infrastructure as Code (IaC).
- Proficiency in AWS, including EKS.
- Familiarity with at least one programming language (Python and Golang are preferred)




【It'd be plus if you have】
- Worked with a fast-paced startup before
- Expertise in constructing and managing e-commerce platforms
- Strong scripting skills.
- Familiarity with MongoDB





1. 彈性的工時安排 / Flexible working hour

2. 彈性工作地點 / Flexible working location

3. 第一年即享有 15 天年假 / First year 15 days of annual leave

4. 生日假 1 天,生日當月任選一天使用 / Birthday leave

5. 給全薪病假 12 天 / Full pay sick leave

6. 給全薪家庭照顧假 7 天 / Paid family care leave

7. 全薪產假 90 天 / Maternity leave 90 days

8. 陪產假 10 天 / Paternity leave 10 days

9. 公司彈性福利補助每年新台幣 2 萬元(旅遊, 家庭照顧, 運動, 按摩等等) / Company sponsored SHOPLINEFlex

10. 每季部門聚餐補助新台幣 1 千元 / Company sponsored quarterly team dinner

11. 每月新台幣 2 百元零食津貼補助 / Snacks Coin NTD 200 per month

12. 每月生日會, 不定時早餐下午茶, 節慶活動豐富 / Festival Events, Birthday Celebration

13. 每個月約一至兩次按摩服務 / Massage

14. 公司另有企業內訓服務 / Training and Development

15. 年終獎金制度 / Annual Bonus

16. 扁平的公司組織架構 / Flat team structure

17. 優質薪資待遇 / Competitive salary package

18. 有機會驅動產品導向,只要你有好的想法! / Ability to drive product direction

