

Insider 全球首個跨渠道數位成長管理平台(GMP)



Insider 的全方位數位成長管理平台 (Growth Management Platform) 利用深度人工智能和機器學習技術提供的實時及預測分群,使行銷人員能夠在桌面及行動版網站,應用程式和廣告通路中給使用者提供個人化的體驗。幫助數位行銷人員在跨渠道上管理數據並推動增長,從顧客獲取 (Acquisition)、初次促購 (Activation)、營收增長 (Revenue Generation),以及忠誠經營 (Retention)。 GMP 能快速整合多個原生數據源,行銷策略易於實施且易於使用,無需複雜的導入和內部 IT 團隊的資源。 Insider 以技術簡化數位行銷,幫助品牌推動增長,善用行銷資源。

Insider是一家據點遍佈世界各地的科技公司,在倫敦、新加坡、東京、香港、台北、首爾、悉尼、赫爾辛基、巴塞羅那、迪拜、莫斯科、華沙、吉隆坡、雅加達、伊斯坦布爾、基輔、胡志明市和曼谷均設有據點。 Insider 被 WIRED 雜誌列為100家最熱門創業公司之一,並於2017年榮獲Red Herring評選歐洲100強。CrunchBase 最近將 Insider 的共同創始人兼首席執行長 Hande Cilingir 列為美國以外排名第一的女性首席執行長。

其中最負盛名的全球500大企業以及零售、汽車和旅遊的全球知名品牌都透過使用Insider. 來優化使用者個人化使用體驗。Insider 受到各行各業400多家企業的信賴,幫助品牌超越客戶期望的速度,包括新加坡航空、家樂福、台灣虎航、屈臣氏、雄獅旅遊、IKEA、New Balance、Toyota、華為、三星、聯想電腦、雅詩蘭黛、Puma、AVIS、Allianz、麥當勞、和CNN。

Meet Insider, the first integrated Growth Management Platform (GMP).

Insider Growth Management Platform (GMP) helps digital marketers drive growth across the funnel, from Acquisition to Activation, Retention, and Revenue. Leveraging real-time predictive segmentation powered by deep Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning capabilities, Growth Management Platform empowers marketers to deliver personalized journeys across the web, mobile web, mobile apps, and ad channels. Built on a unified data layer, GMP is easy to implement and simple to use, avoiding the need for complex integrations and dependency on IT teams. Insider simplifies the life of digital marketers and helps them drive growth for their brands, with zero marketing waste.

Insider is a technology company with offices in London, Singapore, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Taipei, Seoul, Sydney, Helsinki, Barcelona, Dubai, Moscow, Warsaw, Jakarta, Istanbul, Kiev, Ho Chi Minh City, Bangkok, Ankara and Kuala Lumpur. Insider was listed as one of Europe's 100 Hottest Startups by WIRED Magazine and won Red Herring Top 100 Europe in 2017. CrunchBase has recently ranked Insider's co-founder and CEO Hande Cilingir as the top-ranking women CEOs outside of the US.

Some of the most prestigious Fortune 500 companies and top brands in retail, automotive and travel across the globe use Insider to deliver AI-backed personalized experiences. Helping world's leading brands grow beyond the speed of customer expectations, Insider is trusted by over 400 businesses across various industries including Singapore Airlines, Carrefour, Tigerair Taiwan, Watsons, Lion Travel, IKEA, New Balance, Toyota, Huawei, Samsung, Lenovo, Estee Lauder, Puma, AVIS, Allianz, McDonald's and CNN.

公司成員 ( 1 / 3 )

Hande Cilingir

Patrick Steinbrenner

Lamson Ho

Hande Cilingir CEO and Co-Founder

CEO and Co-Founder

Patrick Steinbrenner Managing Director, APAC

Managing Director, APAC

Lamson Ho Director, Partner Success, TW & HK

Director, Partner Success, TW & HK


Insider 的企業文化就是「透明、平行、成長」,雖然員工人數近 400 人,且橫跨不同的市場,但創辦人依然堅持參與每一位員工的面試過程,確保每個人的 DNA 符合 Insider. 企業文化。

組織內更沒有任何先來後到、得依年資聽服誰的觀念,從 CEO、區域總監、專案負責人、到業務人員等皆採平行溝通,公司花十分大的力氣維持有效率地溝通,就是要減少任何時間浪費及各樣不必要的錯誤溝通。而每一個決定也一定都會詳細公佈,確保任何措施都是透明且被令人理解認同。

但是除了談企業文化,回到商業面也還是要謹慎運作。Insider. 在公司策略擬定、執行則希望採「全球在地化」,因應這樣的方針,在商業拓展上才會陸續開設各國辦公室,並設有顧問團隊、尋找當地的技術人才。然後再透過企業文化串起全球各地團隊,達到產品開發、商業策略能國際化,可是擁有當地團隊又能夠十分接地氣,順利落地發展。





- Occasional business trip to APAC region, or even to Europe
- Opportunities to overseas summit/training
- Monthly training (Including Sales, Digital Marketing, Customer Success and Google Analytics) designed for our team members.
- Free Udemy membership ( With more than 30.000 courses)
- Free Blinkist membership ( to make you able to discover more than 2000+ books)
- Free Spotify membership (to make you able to listen to your favorite music while you are working)


