來自新加坡的 MotionElements,為亞洲第一的影片素材買賣平台,我們專注於影片製作所需要的各種數位媒材,並提供全世界的素材,讓使用者有豐富的素材資源可以使用,包含:影片、動畫、音樂、3D模組、After Effect 和Apple Motion 模板等。
MotionElements 的搜索引擎搭載 AI 技術,讓創作者們不需耗費過多心力,就能找尋到屬於自己的「好素材」。從2010年開始,MotionElements 就已經建立了強大的素材庫。MotionElements 一開始就主打全球市場,平台不僅支援中、英、日、韓等語言,也融入了德、西、葡語的內容。
MotionElements 目前已擁有超過 3,000,000 個以上的熱門影片及音樂素材庫,讓買家能夠找到附有透明授權且免版稅的素材。特別歡迎喜愛音樂、影視、動畫的人才加入我們,跟我們的全球團隊合作,激發創意一起成長!
Mark Sun
Sam Huang
Mark Sun CEO
Sam Huang Country Manager
Country Manager
You thrive in a fully hands-on environment where you are able to work independently to explore and develop strategies to expand our reach and increase engagement with our audiences (both corporates and creatives) across our various touch-points and social media channels. You are adept at conducting data driven analysis and can actively contribute towards our content marketing and engagement strategies, including social listening, measurement, optimisation and creatively developing targeted messaging campaigns across our platforms.
You are enthusiastic, full of ideas, creative, flexible and willing to turn limitations into opportunities. You are good at generating ideas - but great at executing them well.
You are innately social, and are curious about drawing insights from offline human interaction and seeking similar patterns in the online world to increase brand engagement.
You have a great sense of ownership in whatever you do and you seek every chance to drive retention and produce results. You will be given the chance to create and measure your own impact from day one, and so we are looking for someone who seeks to grow not only individually, but together with the company.
We are a global team, and while you will be mainly tasked with building our international presence, you may also have the opportunity to explore digital marketing for the Taiwan / Korea / Japan market and its unique ecosystem depending on your language ability.
MotionElements 創建於2010年,由 Mark Sun, Joanne Chua, Sean Quek 共同創立。Mark 與 Joanne 原為影片後製公司的經營者,在經營過程中發現當時並無影音素材網站專注於亞洲公司的需求,使他們尋找適合的亞洲影片素材時感到困難,兩人便與 Sean 合資創立了以亞洲需求為主軸的影音素材平台,搜集各式亞洲風格素材,以及研發搜尋技術減少跨語言搜尋的隔閡。
在2015年8月開始的第一輪募資中,獲得了由KK Fund (新加坡), Incubate Fund (日本) 和 500 Startups (美國矽谷) 所投資等基金領投,MotionElements 以該筆資金,先後在日本以及台灣設立營運據點。
MotionElements 在 2014年7月獲頒 2014年度新加坡中小型500強企業「最具潛質」獎 (Promising SME 500 Campaign's most honoured Business Luminaries),隨後在同年11月的東京2014年度電子情報技術産業協會(InterBEE)正式推出視覺搜尋(VisualSearch),同時與SoftLayer進行雲端基礎設施的合作。
2016年11月同樣在InterBEE上,推出VR 360度影片及照片,並與Sankei Shimbun在DroneTimes網站進行合作,提供使用者販賣空拍影片的平台。
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